Chapter 83. Peace at last Part 1

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Micah's P.O.V

I could feel my true mother next to me the whole time I was sleeping. She kept on singing to heal me and I kept asking myself why she was doing all this because I didn't want her to concentrate too much on me. Her other creations needed healing too and I didn't want them to feel like the moon goddess had abandoned them. I got startled when I suddenly heard my true mother whisper in my ear "Why are you worrying about the world while resting my son. You have already done your part so calm down. Your father has already healed the injured with the help of the archangels so forget about everything and just sleep".

My whole body started relaxing the moment I heard my true mother utter those words and I instantly fell asleep. I then suddenly heard a baby cooing after some time and quickly opened my eyes when I heard Ignatius yell "Get him Aadya". I instantly sat up to see what was going on and chuckled when I saw Alissandre roll off me. Alissandre started crying when he landed on his face next to me and I quickly picked him up to soothe him. I then remembered that I had heard Ignatius's voice too and looked around the room to see where he was.

Ignatius and Aadya were standing at the edge of the bed and I could see that they were worried about something. I smiled at my cute little pups and then asked them "Is there something wrong my beautiful pups?" Aadya and Ignatius started rubbing their eyes and I knew that it wouldn't take them long to cry after that so instantly jumped out of the bed to console them. "Tell me what's wrong Aadya?" I asked my little daughter again and I burst out laughing when she then answered my question with "Dada told us to make sure that no one would disturb Moon Mama and you while you were sleeping papa but it looks like we failed in doing so. Alli ran into the room because he missed you and we couldn't stop him on time. And you are now awake because of us".

I quickly placed a kiss on Aadya's head when I realized that my father had asked the two of my youngest pups to hold guard because he knew that they were actually the ones who were going to approach me. Ignatius then asked me while rubbing his hands together "Do you want us to leave you alone now so you can sleep papa?" I shook my head at Ignatius while putting Alissandre down next to me and then replied to him with "Why would I ask my cute little pups to leave me alone when I missed them so much fiery one".

I then pulled Ignatius into my arms and started tickling him. Ignatius squealed in happiness and Aadya then jumped in. I was suddenly being attacked by my three youngest pups and I let them have their fun because I could sense how much they had missed me. I then suddenly realized that the moon goddess was gone and asked the pups while getting up "Where is your Moon Mama now pups?" and heard Ignatius then reply to me with "We don't know papa, she was here just a moment ago".

It then suddenly hit me that the moon goddess had left when she sensed that I was about to wake up. I smiled while picking Alissandre up and then mind linked my true mother to say "Thank you so much for staying by my side mother, I really needed it". I smiled when I heard my true mother then reply to me with "You're welcome my son and enjoy your time of peace from now on". I knew that there wasn't going to be exactly peace on earth from then on but still felt relieved when I realized that the war was finally over. I then heard several footsteps and knew that the other pups were on their way to greet me too.

I then quickly put Alissandre on the bed and said "You better join your little brother on the bed too Ignatius and Aadya". Ignatius and Aadya climbed on the bed while giggling and I prepared myself for the impact. All the other pups ran through the door suddenly and they all jumped on me at once. I carefully sat down on the floor while placing kisses on their heads and then began hugging them one by one. "I'm glad that you are alright papa" uttered Ezekiel while smiling at me and I could sense that he didn't want to act all clingy in front of his younger siblings.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now