Chapter 38. An enemy

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Noah's P.O.V

I could see Christina shaking in fear the moment we arrived at the scene. Christina immediately looked into my direction with pleading eyes when she saw how angry Knightly was but I couldn't help her because there was something odd about her. Knightly frowned at me when he sensed me and I quickly said to him to defend myself "Lilith asked me to safe Christina, Knigh and I couldn't deny her request". Knightly shook his head at me and then said to us while looking into Andreas's direction "Prepare for battle you two because I can sense someone coming here to confront us".

Andreas and I instantly changed into our true forms and I heard Christina gasp as response. Knightly then asked Christina in anger "Why don't you tell me where your father is at the moment Christina?" Christina started anxiously rubbing her hands together and then answered Knightly's question with "I don't know where he is Knigh he already left by the time I woke up this morning". I heard Knightly then groan in frustration and yell "He can't just disappear in thin air Cristina, these men have been following him for weeks and your father just went off the radar this morning. These men are now pissed and they will do anything to get the right answer out of you".

I knew that Micah was keeping away from the scene because he was waiting for the right moment to make his entrance. And Knightly was probably doing all this to scare Christina in telling him the truth about her father so I just concentrated on our surroundings to see if there were any enemies around. Christina started crying suddenly and she then said to Knightly while sobbing "You know that I would never lie to you Knigh, I really don't know where my father is and it seems that whoever he's with right now is more important to him then his own daughter". I really felt sorry for Christina and I wanted to go hug her but I then suddenly saw one of Cacus's men approaching her in anger.

"You don't want to get on our bad side little girl" said the man in anger to Christina while grabbing her by her hair and I couldn't take it anymore. "Order him to leave her alone Knigh" I yelled at Knightly and then added when I saw Knightly looking intently at Christina "I can sense that she's telling the truth Knigh so there is no reason to torture her". Knightly chuckled at me as response and then replied to me with "Oh yes there is Noah, take it away men". The man then grabbed Christina by her neck and said "Tell me where your father is before I break your neck little girl".

Christina started struggling to get free and that angered the man even more. The man then threw Christina on the ground and said while stomping on her hand "I know other ways to make you talk little girl". Christina started screaming in pain and I felt a shiver down my spine when she suddenly turned into a demon girl. "What the hell" I uttered while looking at the demon girl and Knightly smiled at me. How couldn't I sense that there was a demon girl posing as Christina I asked myself while looking at the also shocked, Andreas.

I heard Andreas then utter while shaking his head "I didn't see that coming". The man that was holding the demon girl quickly took a step back and then casted a binding spell on her when he saw her change forms. The demon girl then suddenly started screaming and I knew that she was trying to alert other demons. Andreas and I instantly took a stand to fight when we sensed demons approaching the forest. "Only attack when I tell you too" said Knightly while looking around and I heard Andreas then reply to him with "As you wish my king". 

The demon girl stopped screaming the moment she heard Andreas utter those words and I could see the fear in her eyes. She tried to break free again when she saw Knightly walking towards her and my eyes widened in shock when I saw Knightly suddenly knock the demon girl out. Knightly then said to the two men standing in front of him "It's time to see how our enemies feel about this demon girl men. Make sure that all of you guard her well during the fight because she's our leverage after all".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now