Chapter 30. A glimmer of hope Part 4

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Micah's P.O.V

I stayed quiet the whole time Jacob was being threatened, kicked and tortured because I wanted to know the truth about the Barton family. I wasn't interested in the witch because I could read her like a book. I had now realized that the Barton's were actually the descendants of the original hunters that were created by the moon goddess to protect her precious creations from ill-doers and that's the reason why Jacob could conjure his sword.

I knew that the hunters had changed their purpose of living throughout the years due to greed and hate. And that was simply because many hunters and their loved ones were killed by the same supernatural creatures that they had sworn to protect. The people who were solely created to protect the supernatural creatures were now their worst nightmare and enemy. My father had told me a long time ago that the moon goddess was enraged by this and stripped the hunters from their powers making them normal humans of society.

The Barton family had probably stayed true to their cause and that's why they still possessed their powers even if it was just a small portion of it. I had already sensed that the Barton's didn't possess much power but they still managed to survive while the other original hunters perished. We could have used the Barton's as our allies but they were now in caskets and a coven of vampires were coming our way.

I changed into my ultimate form as soon as I sensed them coming because I wanted the fight to be over soon. I knew that Cacus and his men were capable enough to handle Edgar and his goons so left that matter deliberately to them. I actually had a good reason behind wanting the fight to be over soon and that was because the whole time that I was sitting there with Knightly I kept hearing two voices in my head. Two children a boy and a girl kept calling out to me with "Papa, papa" and I found that really odd because it was a boy who I had heard calling out to me the first time but the boy was now joined by a beautiful little girl.

There were so many questions like why I was hearing the two voices now were going through my head at that moment and I was getting irritated because I couldn't come up with an answer to them. I didn't know what to do and thought that I was losing my mind.  What I surely knew was that I wasn't in a good shape to handle two more children even if they were Knightly's or mine and I was glad that I had now an opportunity to get rid of my frustration. I was going to kill the vampires who dared to turn humans into their kind slowly and make an example out of them so no vampire would ever think of carrying out a heinous crime like this again.

I smiled to myself when I sensed at least twenty powerful vampires surrounding us suddenly and flew in full speed to the nearest one to kill him. The vampire didn't even flinch when he saw me coming and I chuckled menacingly at him because I could read the vampires mind. The vampires thought that they could defeat us by creating a barrier around us so we couldn't escape and I couldn't help but laugh when I sensed how weak the barrier was. The vampire started casting spells to attack me and when he saw that I could easily counter them he yelled in frustration "You will die today Micah Lockwood".

Well, at least he knows my name I thought to myself while casting my sword and groaned loudly when I saw the vampire's head suddenly roll on the ground before I could even strike him. I frowned at Mattew who was now standing in his true warrior angels form behind the vampire and chuckled when I heard him then yell "In what kind of cesspit have you demons, witches and vampires been living to not know what kind of power the kings behold". He then added while winking at me "And especially the kind of power my beloved brother beholds".

I shook my head when I then started hearing screams from behind me and heard Noah then yell "I think that we need to educate them big brother". These two are enjoying this whole situation I thought to myself while looking at Noah and then said when I noticed Cacus being attacked by the witch with spells after spells "Take care of the vampires Mattew and Noah while I go help Cacus". Mattew didn't even reply to me and flew into the direction of another vampire. I smiled to myself when I saw Knightly rip another vampire apart and casted a spell to land just behind the witch.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now