Chapter 45. Andreas's dilemma Part 3

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Andreas's P.O.V

Before Noah's father could even say anything else to us his mother stood up and walked angrily towards us. I could see that Mike, Noah's father didn't want any trouble with his wife by the way he stepped aside and let his wife walk passed by him. "Do you know what you just did Noah?" asked Lidia, Noah's mother Noah while looking straight into his eyes and Noah put his head down in shame. Lidia then continued with "Your father had to use all his power so no one could discover that you his son who's just sixteen years old mated with his boyfriend". "Andreas is my mate and not my boyfriend, mom" yelled Noah at his mother and I looked in shock at Lidia when she slapped Noah right in his face.

"Don't raise your voice at me when you are in the wrong Noah" yelled Lidia back at Noah and then added while stroking his head "We are the only ones who know that Andreas is your true mate Noah. How will you prove to people that what you did wasn't wrong and did you even stop to think about the titles of your brothers and father. How will they explain to the world that people shouldn't take you as an example and mate whenever they want or feel like it. There is a reason why the moon goddess said that her beloved creatures should mate at eighteen years old and not earlier. And the reason is that you can spend your childhood alone with friends and family but need your fated mate by your side during your adulthood to make the difficult decision in your life which will affect your mate as well".

Noah was just about to reply to his mother when I felt a cold breeze. I then suddenly had to close my eyes because it was like there was a whirlwind in the room. I saw Mattew standing in front of me as soon as I opened my eyes and I couldn't avoid the fist that was coming towards me. I fell backwards when Matthew hit me and heard Noah then suddenly yell "Let him go Matt, this is all my fault and not his so you should hit me and not him". Mattew looked in anger at Noah and then yelled "Why are you such a disappointment Noah?" Noah looked in shock at his brother and then whispered "I'm sorry Mattew, I just wanted to make Andreas stronger and didn't think about the consequences for doing so". Mattew shook his head at Noah and then uttered while pushing me back to the floor "Don't forget that you doomed his pack by mating with him too Noah and he's not the only one who became stronger".

"What do you mean Matt?" asked Noah his brother all confused and my heart skipped a beat when I heard Mike, his father answer Noah's question then with "The whole Halfmoon pack will be plagued by attacks as soon as other demons sense that Andreas, a fellow demon mated with an angel and that's the least of our problems. You both gained a lot of power after mating and if you don't train to control it accordingly then you can destroy not only your enemies but yourselves too. And I'm afraid that you two might not survive the training because you are too young". Noah fell on his knees from shock when he heard what his father had said and then uttered while rubbing his face "You have to believe me when I say that I never wanted things to go this far dad. I just wanted to give Andreas a power boost because he was feeling torn".

I couldn't believe my ears when I then heard Mike reply to Noah with "I'll tell you the same thing that I told Micah when he discovered that Knightly was his mate Noah". I quickly looked into the direction of king Micah when I heard his name and saw that he was lost in his thoughts. I found it strange that none of the kings had meddled with the whole affair since king Knightly had spoken the first time and got startled when I heard Mike say "Never rely on your mate too much Noah because you never know when he might break your heart". Mattew then sighed and added "And that is why I told you to wait Noah but you disobeyed me". I could sense that Noah's emotions where getting out of control and quickly threw my arm around his shoulder to calm him down.

I then looked straight at Mattew and said to him in determination "I don't know what exactly happened between king Micah and king Knightly but I promise you that I will never hurt Noah". Mattew then suddenly pointed his sword at me and said "Don't make a promise you can't keep little boy and don't ever think that we have forgotten that you have already rejected Noah once before". I looked in fear at Noah when I sensed how angry Mattew was and my eyes widened in shock when I saw him looking all pale. 

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now