Chapter 8 Desperation

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Andreas's P.O.V

I was surprised to hear from my mother that Layla was planning on staying at our house for the rest of the weekend. I had already planned on visiting Noah at the Silverstone mansion on sunday because i wanted to talk to him about these feelings that i was having for him but i was now going to be stuck with Layla. I didn't even talk to her on the whole way home and i could feel that Layla was irritated by my behavior.

I just got out of the car when we arrived at our house and then stomped to my room leaving Layla behind. I was still mad at her for forcing me to mark her in front of everyone so i didn't even care about what she was going to do for the rest of the night. I started taking off my suit the moment i stepped into my room and closed the door behind me.

I decided to take a quick shower after i was done taking off my clothes and walked into my bathroom. I'm going to the Silverstone mansion to see Noah no matter what i thought to myself while stepping into the shower. I still didn't understand why Noah meant so much to me. I hadn't even known him for long and it looked like Noah was right when he said that it looked like i couldn't live without him because i really did want to see him all the time.

I groaned loudly when i realized how desperate i actually was. I walked out of my bathroom in a short after drying myself off and got startled when i saw Layla sitting on the edge of my bed. "What are you doing here Layla?" i asked Layla while walking to my wardrobe and she just smiled at me as a response then replied to me with "I came to see you Andreas because i wanted to talk to you about something". I sighed then said while wearing a t shirt "I think it's to late to have a talk now Layla. Why don't you go back to your room and we'll talk tomorrow about whatever you want to talk to me about".

Layla frowned at me then yelled "Why do i get the feeling that i'm unwanted here Andreas. This house belongs to me too because we're mated so i like to think that i'm always welcome here". My blood began to boil when i heard Layla's outburst and i walked menacingly up to her. Layla looked in shock at me and i said to her while standing in front of her "It looks like you have forgotten that i'm the next alpha of this pack Layla. You have to show me respect no matter what you mean to me and one more thing, do you think i have forgotten what you tried to pull tonight".

"No, i havent so i advice you to be careful of the way you talk to me Layla because i may as just well throw you out of my room instead of asking you nicely to leave. And by the way keep in mind that until we're actually mated nothing in this house belongs to you not even me. Do you understand that?" Layla instantly stood up from my bed when i was done talking then said "Don't think that i'll let this easily go Andreas because i got other methods for getting what i want". I shook my head at Layla then said "Please go to your room Layla before i say something to you that i may come to regret later".

Layla stomped out of my room in anger and i plopped down on the bed. I started rubbing my face and i really had to suppress the urge to mind link Noah because i was sure that hearing his voice would calm me down. What scared me the most was that i couldn't find a trace of the Layla i fell in love with in the current Layla and that was taking a toll on me. It was like she was a different person now and i couldn't tolerate her anymore. I laid down on my bed while thinking i don't think i can spend de rest of my life with someone like her.

I didn't even realize when i fell asleep and only woke up when i heard my mother call out to me. It was only seven o'clock in the morning when i looked at my clock and asked myself why is my mother waking me up this early when she knows that i don't have any pack duties this morning. My mother then suddenly barged into my room when she didn't get a reply from me and greeted me with "Good morning Andreas".

She then asked me "Why did you make your luna cry on her birthday Andreas. She's going to be the mother of your pups and i like you to be considerate of her feelings". I shook my head when i realized that Layla went running to my mother and told her everything about our conversation last night. I sat up from my bed then replied to my mother with while leaning against the headboard "Good morning mom, i would appreciate it if you didn't keep calling Layla my luna because were not mated yet".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now