Chapter 69. The truth about Micah Part 1

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Knightly's P.O.V

I asked Nicholas to come with us to Europe because he was the one who was eventually going to organize everything when we arrived there. Everything happened so fast that the only thing that I could do before leaving was, ask my father if he and Marcus could take care of things in my absence. I had decided to mind link Micah that I was going away but it seemed like he had forgotten to unblock me. I pushed the whole incident to the back of my mind and tried to concentrate on my task at hand.

Our first stop was going to be Russia because Alexus and Luke were already waiting there for us with more details about the disappearance of all the species. Connor, Jeremy, Nathan and I tried to figure out what had happened to those species while we were on our way to Russia in my private jet because we didn't know what to expect once we reached there. We now only needed statements of the remaining species to find out what really was going on and we were exhausted by the time we reached our destination.

Luke was already waiting for us with limousines on the runway when we landed and we all then decided to go take a shower and rest for a while at a hotel before continuing our investigation. Nicholas had booked suites for us at a luxury hotel and we all decided to meet each other in my room in two hours after checking in. I could go home to check up on Micah and the pups in those two hours but decided not to because I was still not in my right mind.

I opened the suitcase that Sylvia had so meticulously packed for me and then took out some clothes and a towel so I could go take a shower. The room had a large bathtub so I decided to fill it up and relax a bit in it. I closed my eyes the moment I laid my head on the edge of the bathtub but immediately opened them again when scenes of that afternoon started flashing through my mind again. I groaned loudly while rubbing my face and thought to myself "I really need to resolve matters quickly with Micah before things get worse".

I then got out of the bathtub and took a shower instead. I was just done wearing my boxer brief when there was a knock on my door and I could sense that it was Nicholas who was standing on the other side of the door. I quickly grabbed a sweatpants out of my suitcase then wore it before opening the door. "I brought your suit for you my king" uttered Nicholas as soon as I opened the door and he then added while handing a package over to me "And someone left this for you at the lobby my king". I motioned Nicholas to come in while examining the package and asked myself "Coming here was a spur of a moment decision made by me so how did they know that I was on my way here?"

I then sensed Nicholas intently looking at me and frowned at him. He instantly bowed his head at me and then asked me nervously "Aren't you going to open the package my king?" I sighed while looking at the package and then carefully opened it when Star uttered "It's safe Knigh" in the back of my mind. A DVD and some papers fell out of the package and I immediately uttered "I want everyone in my room, immediately" through my mind link when I saw that there was written "Leave us alone" on one of the papers.

Connor was the first one to arrive and he instantly asked me "What's going on Knigh?" I then replied to him while giving the package to him with "Take a look at what's inside". Connor looked questioningly at me but still took out the bunch of papers that was inside the package. Nathan and Jeremy joined us too and Connor then handed the package over to them so they could examine it too. I sighed when I heard Connor say "All the species that supposedly disappeared have written a statement and signed in confirmation that they went underground by their own choice Knigh but I can clearly sense the fear in the leaders when they signed the papers so what is exactly going on here Knigh".

I walked to the window of the room and then replied to Connor while sticking my hands in the pockets of my sweatpants with "This means that Lucifer is trying to scare off our allies Connor. He wants us to stand alone in this war so he can crush us". I could sense the shock in my brother, Jeremy and Nathan when they heard the name "Lucifer" so quickly turned around and added "I want to tell you all today that I already know that none of you ever believed in my divorce and if you want to pull out from this war then I won't blame you because all of you have your own families to protect. Lucifer is after us and If he keeps cheating like this then I'm afraid that we'll definitely lose this war".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now