Chapter 22. Greed

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Noah's P.O.V

I was talking to Andreas when my father mind linked me to say that he was sending me on a mission. I casted a spell and left after saying goodbye to Andreas and landed just in front of my father's desk in his office. My father immediately looked up at me from the file he was going through and said "I would have never pulled you out of school and away from your mate if this wasn't a serious matter Noah". I nodded with my head at my father and then replied to him with "I understand dad now tell me what's wrong".

My father sighed then said while leaning back into his chair "It seems that Knightly's fears came true because it didn't take long for some of the vampires to slip up and kill a human while feeding on her". My eyes widened in shock because I could already imagine the consequences of killing a human and I quickly asked my father then "When and where was this discovered dad?" My father then replied to me with while folding his hands together "The warrior angels noticed a rise in crime in Mexico and when they went there to monitor the whole situation in their human forms they discovered that there were many vampire covens in Mexico".

"The vampires didn't realize that they were being monitored and went on with their daily lives. One particular vampire stood out and when Lucas went to this vampire's coven to take a closer look he was attacked by a vile stench of a decaying human body. Lucas contacted me immediately because I told all the angels to leave Micah out of this and contact me instead. Micah has enough to deal with right now so I don't want to bother him with cases we can solve by ourselves".

I frowned at my father and then asked him while crossing my arms on my chest "And how are we going to handle a dead human without the police finding out about it dad?" My father stood up from his chair suddenly and he then said to while walking towards me "Go exterminate that coven Noah and throw that woman's body in a ravine after you're done erasing all the evidence of the vampires feeding on her from her body. It looks like the woman was homeless and that she had no relatives. The vampires were at least careful in choosing their victim".

I shook my head at my father and then uttered "This whole war thing is getting more bizarre by the minute and the way you're talking about that human is giving me the chills right now dad". My father then suddenly put his hand on my shoulder and said "This is nothing compared to what I have seen in my visions Noah so go and make sure to find out first about where the vampires heard about feeding from humans before killing them".

"Does Knightly know about this dad?" I asked my father while frowning at him and I couldn't help but groan when I heard my father then reply to me with "I'm sure he does and that is why he's letting us handle this situation". I was just about to ask why Knigtly's warriors weren't joining us in this mission when I felt my father caress my cheek. I looked startled at my father and I heard him then say "Knightly's warriors have their hands full with training the dragons right now Noah so you're the leader of this mission".

My eyes widened in surprise and I quickly yelled "I won't disappoint you dad" before casting a spell to leave. I could already sense that Lucas was waiting for me just outside the coven and he immediately greeted me with "Hi Noah" when I arrived there. It looked like Lucas and his team was ready for battle and I asked them then while looking at the vampire that was walking out of the building where the coven was "So how many members does this coven have guys?" I heard Don, one of the warrior angels then answer my question with "Fifteen out of which one just left". I smiled at Don and then said to him while looking into his direction "Well, what are you waiting for then Don, go drag him back".

Don smiled broadly at me and then instantly disappeared only to appear again with the dead body of the vampire. I then looked into Lucas's direction and said "Make sure to mask this whole area well Lucas so no one realizes what's going on here". Lucas nodded with his head at me and then closed his eyes to cast a spell to hide our presence. I then looked at all the warrior angels and said "I know that I'm not as powerful as my brothers guys and I know that my father gave me this mission because he wants to test me so I want to thank you guys for giving me this opportunity to lead you".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now