Chapter 57. My past, my present and my future. Part 1

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Mason's P.O.V

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Albert's picture above.

I'm Mason Dawn, the theta of king Knightly Silverstone and I'm twenty six years old. I couldn't believe it when Amell and Althea called me uncle because I really didn't deserve to be called their family. I lost my parents when I was twelve years old and it was all because the alpha of my father's pack ruled with an iron fist. My father was his beta but even he didn't dare to question his alpha's authority. My mother would always tell my father that his alpha would cause his pack's demise and when my father finally gathered the courage to warn his alpha, he was banned from the pack with the threat that his family and he would be killed if they ever came in contact with the pack again.

My parents lost everything when they were banned from the pack and we were forced to live in the woods like rogues because we had nowhere to go. I can still remember how my father used to hunt to feed us and how we would have to take shelter in caves during the night and when it rained. While it was hard for me to adjust to our difficult life my mother, not even once complained about our situation and happily followed my father wherever he went. We had been living for almost two years in the woods when my father finally found a stable job in town and my mother stayed with me to protect me while he went to work.

We left the woods when my parents had saved enough money for an apartment and we lived happily together in this one room apartment. I had even started school when my father came home one day suddenly and yelled that our old pack was under attack of demons. I was only twelve years old then and didn't want to lose the life that we had built with so much difficulties so yelled at my father "I don't care about that damn pack dad, they can all die for all I care". My father slapped me when he heard what I had said and I can still feel the effects of it when I think about it. I frowned at my father when he slapped me and my father then said while looking angrily at me "Don't forget that we still have a bond with that pack Mason and yes, even if they have abandoned us".

I immediately understood what my father was talking about and yelled "No, dad please don't go he will kill you if he sees you". My mother hugged me tightly then and said "Your father has to do this Mason because he will otherwise never manage to breathe in peace". I started shaking my head then and replied to my mother with "They never cared about us mom then why should we care about them". I looked in shock at my mother when she then replied to me with "You will understand everything when you get older Mason but stay here for now because I'm going with your father. I'll protect your father and bring him safely home when everything is over".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now