Chapter 56. His true face

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Micah's P.O.V

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Liam's picture above.

Knightly and I went straight home in the hope of spending some time alone together but were attacked by the pups as soon as we reached the apartment. The pups started telling us about how much fun they had at Disneyland and then asked us if they could visit there again. Knightly and I promised the pups that we would take them to the park when the war was over and that we would spend some time there as a family this time.

My parents left after having a light snack with us and I thanked them for taking such good care of the pups. Silvia and her mother helped us bathe the pups after that and we put them to bed before they could get irritated due to exhaustion. I decided to take a shower while Knightly went to his office to discuss some things with his men and fell asleep as soon as I laid my head on my pillow. I didn't even realize when Knightly came home again and was attacked by the smell of bacons when I opened my eyes in the morning.

I quickly got out of the bed when I realized that Knightly wasn't lying next to me and grabbed a fresh towel. I then walked into the bathroom to take a shower because I was planning on going to work that day. I walked into the kitchen when I was dressed and smiled when I saw Knightly frying bacons while balancing a giggling Ignatius on his hip. Ignatius wasn't making it easy for Knightly because he kept on making funny faces at Aadya who was standing right behind Knightly and him on a chair.

Aadya squealed every time Ignatius made a funny face and I was afraid that she might fall from the chair from excitement so quickly picked her up. It was now her turn to make funny faces at Ignatius and I chuckled when Knightly uttered while kissing me softly on the lips "Good morning love, I really admire how you manage to control these munchkins while cooking each time". "It's the power of spells my dear husband" I said to Knightly and he burst out laughing as response to it. I then realized that Knightly was already showered but was dressed in a simple t shirt and a sweatpants so asked him "Aren't you going to work today Knigh?"

Knightly smiled at me while stroking Ignatius's head and then replied to me with "I already discussed pack matters and my kingly duties with Connor last night. The only thing that I'll be doing today is making my rounds at our businesses because Nicholas told me that there is a large sum of money missing from our publishing company". I just nodded with my head at Knightly because he was the one who was a businessman in our relationship and I had other things on my mind at that time.

Knightly then said while grabbing a bottle of juice out of the fridge "Sylvia and her mother are almost done with the older pups so please take a seat and relax a bit, love. I'll take a quick shower after breakfast and then drop Kingsley off at school before I visit my businesses. You always wake up early to take care of the pups and to make breakfast so I thought that I should surprise you today with break feast instead". I quickly placed a kiss on Knightly's cheek when I heard what he had said and then uttered "And it's a welcomed surprise indeed, Knigh". Knightly was just about to reply to me when the older pups ran into the kitchen while yelling "Good morning papa, good morning daddy".

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