Chapter 42. Micah's insanity Part 2

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Micah's P.O.V

I wasn't even surprised when I saw Baldassare and his men change their forms when they saw us coming. I had already sensed that Baldassare was faking being weak and wanted to pay him back for what he had done to Ignatius and me. Baldassare and his men were now standing in their warrior uniforms and I frowned when I realized that his men were protecting him so he could observe us. I was just about to cast a spell to bring down Baldassare when I heard Ignatius sob.

I saw Ignatius tossing and turning when I looked into his direction and quickly yelled "I'm leaving them up to you Knigh and be careful with Baldassare I think his up to something". I then casted a spell to take me to Ignatius and took him into my arms as soon as I reached him. "What's wrong fiery one why are you crying?" I asked Ignatius and my heart broke when I heard him then reply to me with "I want to go home papa". "I promise to take you home after we defeat the big bad vampire Ignatius" I said to Ignatius while rocking him in my arms to get him to sleep again and smirked when I saw that Baldassare's men were concentrating too much on Knightly to protect their leader.

I then asked Ignatius while stroking his head "Can you hang on for just a little longer fiery one?" Ignatius nodded with his head at me and then stuck his head in the crook of my neck. I instantly casted a spell to take me to Baldassare when I saw how distracted our enemy was and then quickly created a barrier around us to protect us when Baldassare tried to attack us. I put Ignatius on my hip so I could move freely and then casted my sword. Baldassare looked in amusement at me probably because he thought that I couldn't do much with a pup on my hip.

I looked in surprise at Baldassare when he suddenly conjured a sword. It looked like the sword would cut through anything and it immediately caught Ignatius's attention. Ignatius started dangling his feet in excitement and I tried to calm him down by placing a kiss on his temple. Baldassare then suddenly tried to strike me with his sword and I quickly stopped its blow with my own sword. Ignatius squealed when he heard the clashing sound and yelled "Can I fight him, papa ?" Baldassare looked puzzled at Ignatius when he sensed his power and then quickly took a step back. 

Ignatius giggled seeing Baldassare's reaction and then tried to slide off my hip but I quickly held him firmly to stop him from doing so. Ignatius immediately calmed down and then said to me while hugging me "I'm sorry papa". I then suddenly heard someone scream and smiled when I saw that Knightly had managed to subdue most of the vampires by fighting in just his human form. I could see that Baldassare wasn't pleased with the result and he then tried to strike me again with his sword. I shook my head at Baldassare and then replied to him with "I want you to use all your power to fight me Baldassare".

"That's big talk for someone who has a pup on his hip Micah Lockwood" said Baldassare while chuckling to taunt me and I just smiled as response at him. I could see that my demeanor was  starting to irritate Baldassare so wasn't even surprised when he suddenly uttered "Okay Micah Lockwood you'll get your wish but don't blame me if your pup gets hurt during the fight". Baldassare then started emitting his power and Ignatius instantly squealed when he realized that there was a powerful opponent standing in front of him.

"Hold on tightly fiery one" I said to Ignatius when Baldassare casted his sword again and Ignatius replied to me then with "Okay papa". I then took a stand and waited for Baldassare's sword to hit me. The sword shattered into tiny pieces the moment it hit me and Baldassare looked in shock at me. He then took a step back and asked me "Were just playing with me all this time Micah Lockwood?" I nodded with my head at Baldassare and then replied to him with "I have been testing you Baldassare just like you have been testing me and I hope you got the answer you were looking for".

Baldassare's eyes widened in shock when he heard my reply and he then asked me "How did you know Micah Lockwood?" I kicked Baldassare with all my power to the ground the moment he asked me the question and he gasped in shock at me. I put Ignatius then on the ground and said "Stay here Ignatius". Ignatius smiled at me because he had realized that this was something that his father had to do by myself. I then walked up to Baldassare and said while casting my sword "I wasn't lying when I told Braden that I can see and hear everything Baldassare. I Micah Lockwood am the most powerful angel and your king so you should only bow to me and no one else".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now