Chapter 4. Love hurts !

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Andreas's P.O.V

It was already seven thirty by the time i arrived at Layla's house. My father made me train with Sebastian for two hours straight in the forest after school and i was exhausted. I saw seven missed calls from Layla when i came back from the training and quickly took a shower to go to her house. Layla lived in the next town with her parents so it didn't take me long to arrive there. Layla's mother was a teacher while her father worked for a construction company. They were best friends with my parents when they were in school and left to live in another state due to circumstances when they married so i knew them well.

I actually met Layla for the first time when they came back to live in the next town. I fell in love with her the moment i laid my eyes on her and both our parents were extremely happy when they later found out that we were mates. The front door of the house was opened by Layla the moment i pushed the door bell and i could immediately see that she was angry. I smiled at Layla and greeted her with "Hi Layla". Layla huffed at me then greeted me curtly with "Hi" then added "Come in my parents are already waiting for you at the dinner table".

I walked passed Layla then went to join Layla's parents at the dinner table. "Good evening Rachel and Jack. I'm sure that you already heard from my mother about the reason why i'm late" i said to Layla's parents the moment i set my foot in the dinning room. Layla's father chuckled at me then replied to me with "My wife and i totally understand that duties comes first Andreas but it looks like my daughter still has some trouble understanding that aspect of your life". She has to understand if she wants to be my luna i thought to myself while looking at Layla.

"Please sit down Andreas" said Rachel to me suddenly and i quickly pulled a chair to join them. Layla came to sit next to me and Jack then said "Please enjoy your dinner everyone". We all then started eating while talking about Layla's and my first day at school. I asked Jack the moment i was done with my dinner "Didn't you want to talk to me about Layla's birthday party Jack?" Jack put his fork down when he heard my question then replied to me with "Yes, i did Andreas. Layla's turning sixteen this year and i really wanted to have a quiet dinner here with your parents and our whole family but it seems that Layla has other ideas".

I looked at Layla when i heard what Jack had said then asked her "What do you want to do then Layla?" Layla took a sip out of her lemonade then responded to me with "I want to celebrate my birthday at the Silverstone hotel and we should invite all the kids we know at school even if they belong to other packs. It's about time everyone knows i'm your Luna don't you think". I couldn't help but chuckle when i heard Layla's reply and said "I'm sorry to say this Layla but my father will never agree to hold your birthday party at the Silverstone hotel because our relationship with the Silverstone pack is still a little strained even if we have a bond with the king right now".

Layla smiled at me in response then said "Your mother persuaded your father for me and he agreed to hold my birthday party there for me. The hall is already booked and i already invited most of the people we know. It's now your turn to invite whoever you want". I groaned inwardly when i heard Layla's reply then asked myself why did her parents even invite me if everything was already settled. It was like Rachel read my mind and quickly said "We hadn't seen you in a long time Andreas and thought that it would be nice to have a quiet dinner with you before the birthday party".

I smiled at Rachel then looked at my watch and realized that it was almost ten o'clock. "Thank you so much for the lovely dinner Rachel but i think it's time for me to leave now because it's getting late" i said to Rachel while standing up and got startled when Layla suddenly grabbed my arm. "Aren't you going to ask me what i want as a present Andreas?" asked Layla me and i in response looked questioningly at her because i thought that my father was doing already enough for her. I then sighed and asked Layla "What do you want as a gift Layla?"

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now