Chapter 21. Pain

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Andreas's P.O.V

I woke up early, in the morning because I wanted to meet Sebastion before going to school. My mind was a mess and I kept thinking about Layla. I really wanted to know what she had done to me and why it didn't work. I knew that the only one who could answer all my questions was Micah Lockwood so I had to find him no matter what.

I quickly jumped into my car after taking a shower and having breakfast with some of the warriors. I drove straight to Sebastian's house and made sure that I looked calm and collected before I pushed the doorbell of his house because I didn't want to cause any alarm. Sebastion's father was my father's beta so he would surely tell my father if he suspected anything different in my behavior.

I put on a big smile the moment Sebastion's mother opened the door for me and I then quickly greeted her with "Good morning mrs Ridge". Sebastion's mother smiled as response at me then replied to me with "Good morning Andreas congratulations on becoming a father and on your marriage". My expression immediately changed into a frown when I heard what Sebastion's mother had said and I then asked her "Who told you that I was getting married mrs Ridge?"

Mrs Ridge then answered my question with "Your parents called us in for a meeting last night to explain the situation to us and they then told us that it was best that Layla and you got married seeing how she's pregnant now". I sighed hearing mrs Ridge's answer and I asked her then while looking into the house because I couldn't sense Sebastion in the house "Did Sebastion already leave mrs Ridge?" Mrs Ridge chuckled hearing my question and then replied to me with "Yes Andreas, he just left actually because he had to drop Rose off at the kinder garden for me and you know how clingy she gets in the morning so Sebastion left a little earlier than expected".

I put my head down and started thinking about my parents because it looked like they had made sure that everyone knew that Layla was pregnant so I couldn't escape my responsibilities. I smiled when I heard Sebastion"s mother then say to encourage me "Don't worry Andreas you'll see him at school". I replied to mrs Ridge with "Thank you so much mrs Ridge" then turned around to walk to my car again.

I could spot Sebastion's car in the parking lot the moment I arrived at school and walked quickly up to him when I saw him standing by the steps with Stuart and Adam. I greeted the guys with "Good morning guys" and then grabbed Sebastion's arm. I didn't even wait to hear the guys reply to me and dragged Sebastion away from them while saying "I need to talk to you Sebastion".

I let Sebastion's arm go when we were next to the school building and I heard Sebastion then instantly utter "Wow Andreas, aggressive much". I sighed while crossing my arms on my chest and then replied to Sebastion with "I know that you have already heard from your parents about Layla and me Sebastion". Sebastion nodded with his head at me then said "Yes, I've already heard about your fairy tail wedding now go on". I then added while frowning "I don't believe that this child is mine because who can get pregnant by just a kiss and you were right about my mother by the way Sebastion because she's truly evil and she helped Layla achieve her goals".

Sebastion sighed as response then said "My father told me that the alpha has been acting strange lately so I kind of knew what was going on but you know that I'm not powerful enough to help you with your rebellion Andreas. My family has nowhere to go if we're banned from the pack so I will support you in whichever way I can but it has to stay a secret between us". I smiled at Sebastion and then replied to him with "I know that you'll be there for me whenever I need you Sebastion and not just as my beta but as my friend too and that's exactly why I don't want to put your family's lives in jeopardy. I just want to know if you heard where Micah Lockwood is at the moment".

Sebastion chuckled at me then gave me playfully a push. He then asked me with a grin on his face "Why don't you ask Noah where his brother is Andreas?" I shook my head at Sebastion then said to him "I want to this on my own Sebastion because I can't go running to Noah every time I'm in trouble". Sebastion sighed at me then replied to me with "You're in luck Andreas because I just heard Stuart talking about how his mother was shocked to see Micah Lockwood emptying trashcans at the Rivera supermarket. He apparently works there according to her".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now