Chapter 43. Andreas's dilemma Part 1

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Andreas's P.O.V

Noah told me about king Micah getting hurt at school and I wanted to go support Noah and the king's pups so decided to go to the Silverstone mansion after my training. I was truly exhausted by then and thought that it would be best to just stay at the mansion for a while and then go home. Mason had already told me that he was expecting Sebastion and me at the lake at the break of dawn so I couldn't afford to stay longer at the mansion. I was happy that no one questioned me at the gate because I knew that I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about king Micah getting hurt or the whole divorce being false yet.

I couldn't count how many times I had already been to the Silverstone mansion but the whole building still mesmerized me each time I visited it. It was like the whole building was made to tell people that there lived someone there who you couldn't surpass even if you tried your best to do so. I could feel a dark energy around me as soon as I stepped out of my car but ignored it because I knew that the mansion was being protected by king Micah's spells. I didn't need a guide anymore because I knew my way now but I couldn't shake this odd feeling that I was having out of my head.

I didn't know what to expect when I reached the king's apartment and prepared myself for crying children or worse. I was trying to find a solution to calm the crying children down when the elevator door opened and I reached the king's floor. My feet suddenly felt heavy and I was dreading my decision for coming to the mansion but I quickly calmed myself down by saying to myself that my mate needed my support in a time like this.

I slowly walked to the king's apartment and knocked twice on the door. I got startled when an old woman opened the door for me instead of Noah or Sylvia. The old woman smiled broadly at me and then greeted me with "Good evening Andreas Halfmoon I'm Cora, Sylvia's mother and I'm the pup's other nanny. The king has already told me everything about you so please come in". I smiled at Cora and was surprised to hear laughter instead of crying in the apartment. I could sense that Noah was in the living room with the children so decided to go meet him there.

I looked in shock at all the children that were running around in the living room creating ruckus and couldn't help but utter "They multiplied again" when I counted eight children present in the living room instead of seven. Kingsley growled playfully at me when he heard my remark and I quickly put my hands up in the air as a sign of surrender. I then said to him while chuckling "I'm sorry for making such a remark Kingsley but you have to forgive me because it seems that there is more of you each time I visit you guys. Are you guys planning on taking over the world or something". Kingsley burst out laughing hearing what I had said and then uttered "These are the last of my kin uncle Andreas and only my moon Mama knows why we were all born".

Ignatius then suddenly ran towards me with a cute little girl in tow and I could clearly see their resemblance. The little girl also looked exactly like king Micah and I couldn't wait to hear her name. Ignatius stopped just in front of me and the little girl immediately hid behind him. I got a feeling like the little girl was afraid of me so crouched down to her height to greet her. Ignatius giggled at me when he saw how eager I was to meet the little girl and yelled "Hi Andreas". I smiled at Ignatius and then greeted him back with "Hi Ignatius". I then asked him while looking at the little girl hiding behind him "And who might this be Ignatius?"

Ignatius started jumping up and down in excitement and then yelled "This is my baby sister Aadya Philomena Silverstone, uncle Andreas and can you believe that I'm older than her". I quickly put my hand on Ignatius's shoulder to calm him down and then uttered "No Ignatius I can't believe it either". I heard the little girl giggle at my response and I quickly reached my hand out to her to invite her over to me. The little girl walked slowly closer to me and then put her tiny hand in the palm of my hand. I eagerly grabbed the little girl's hand and was just about to great her when she yelled "Auch". I looked startled at her because I knew that I was careful enough not to hurt her.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now