Chapter 65. unexpected encounters 2

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Micah's P.O.V

Knightly and I took a seat on the opposite side of Amitiel and I made sure that I could monitor Raum from where I was sitting. I sighed and then greeted Amitiel with "Hi Amitiel". It looked like Amitiel was too engrossed with Raum to even notice us and I then asked him "Tough night huh?" Amitiel finally looked into our direction and then said while bowing his head to us "I'm sorry my kings, I was so busy trying to figure out why Maybor had invited Raum that I didn't sense you two". Knightly quickly put his hand up to stop Amitiel from talking and then replied to him with "We're alone now Amitiel so you can call us by our names. We are your family so treat us like family when we're alone".

Amitiel smiled at us and was just about to thank us when a waiter approached us with a tray full of drinks. There was champagne, bottles of whiskey and water on the tray and another waiter then approached us with snacks. One of the waiters then poured some champagne into two champagne glasses and presented one to me and the other one to Amitiel. He poured whiskey in a whiskey glass after that and then presented it to Knightly. "Enjoy your night gentlemen" uttered the waiters before leaving and we nodded with our heads at them.

Maynor then finally decided to join us and I smiled when he threw his arm protectively around Amitiel as soon as he sat down. "Congratulations cousin" said Knightly while raising his whiskey glass to him and then continued with "Even though I'm dying to find out why we're surrounded by our enemies at the moment". Maynor chuckled while pouring some whiskey in his glass and then replied to Knightly with "Patience my dear cousin, you'll soon find out what's going on". "This was a calculated move by him" I said to myself and felt a little uncomfortable with all the people around us so took off my suit jacket. "Everything alright love?" asked Knightly me in concern and I just nodded with my head at him while he pulled me closer to his chest. I was practically leaning on his chest by now and I didn't even mind it because I was too distraught at that moment. Everything that happened at the realm of angels was still fresh on my mind and the fact that nobody knew what the moon goddess was planning on doing with me didn't sit well with me.

It seemed like Knightly had felt my emotions getting out of control so he quickly laced his fingers together with mine to calm me down. I suddenly felt someone observing us and knew that it was Raum. Knightly put his chin on my shoulder suddenly and then breathed in my scent. I never liked public displays of affection and Knightly knew that but no one would recognize me at that moment so I let him have his way. Knightly and Maynor started discussing business after that while Amitiel and I kept our eyes on Raum.

I could sense that Amitiel was angry that Maynor didn't tell him that he was inviting Raum and I wanted to console him but thought that it would be best that I didn't meddle between his mate and him. Maynor and Amitiel weren't mated yet and I knew that it was because Amitiel still had a fear in his heart regarding Maynor betraying him. And a move like this by Maynor wasn't helping his case either. I could understand Amitiel's feelings because he was once a popular high ranking angel and everyone hated him now because he was now mated to the demon who had killed a lot of their comrades. I was going to make sure that Amitiel gained his rightful place in the realm of angels again so wasn't worried about the outcome of the hatred that people had for him.

I felt sleepy all of sudden while leaning lazily against Knightly's chest and thought that it would be best if I freshened up a bit so said to Knightly "I'll be right back my love". Knightly nodded with his head at me and then grabbed the bottle of whiskey to pour another drink for himself. I was glad that the lounge had its own private bathroom and thought to myself "Maynor really did do a great job in designing the club" when I saw the stylish bathroom. I was just done washing my face when I saw Raum standing behind me while emitting all his power. I ignored him and grabbed a fresh paper towel to wipe my face. Raum chuckled suddenly then said to me "You're the first person who managed to ignore me human and I really like to know how you succeeded in doing so".

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