Chapter 74. A mother's heart and sorrow

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The moon goddesses P.O.V

If someone would ask me how much I loved my son then I would tell them that having him in my life was the only thing that had managed to keep me sane for all these years. It's hard to see how ungrateful the creatures are that I have created with my own hands and I sometimes ask myself why I even had bothered to populate this world with different kind of species. Micah and his family were the only things that mattered to me and I would sacrifice the whole world to keep them safe. I still remember the time when everything was simple and every problem could be solved by hand to hand combat or talking. But the humans then started creating different kind of weapons and started destroying the world for their own selfish reasons.

They have robbed the seas and rivers of their fish and destroyed forests just so they could make some money by selling the wood. There was too much violence in the world now and I couldn't even breathe in peace. I knew that there was a dire need of law in order in the world and that's the reason why I had gifted the Silverstone's with Knightly Star. My intention was to make him the king so he could rule the world with the eight first powerful werewolves that I had created, as his children but I forgot the fact that his mate should also be powerful enough to carry such powerful beings.

It's true that prince Rain would have never survived the birth of the first powerful werewolf and I was glad that Knightly had chosen to reject him. That's also the reason why I had made sure that prince Rain had a second chance mate that he could fall back on because it was never my intention to hurt him but I had never even thought that my own son would choose Knightly Star as his mate because they were never supposed to meet each other.

I chose to gift Mike Lockwood and Lidia Lockwood with my own child because I could see how honest and loving people they were. Mike had put his life on the line many times for me so I knew how powerful he actually was. He was someone who stayed true to his word and was always righteous while dealing with matters so I knew that he was the right person to help me create Micah. I had thought that Mike would stay in New York with his family from where he originally was but he moved to California instead when Micah was born. This made Micah meet Knightly while it was never meant to happen because he was supposed to die for Lucifer.

I actually created Micah after my sister tricked me in helping her. My sister and I were created by God with the sole purpose of helping him populate earth with different kind of species. I was always more powerful than my sister so I was the one who was given the task of creating all kinds of birds, animals and supernatural creatures while my sister was given the task of protecting his precious creation, the human.

We weren't that powerful in the beginning and had to learn everything by ourselves. I was never happy with my life because even if we had thousands of creatures around us we were still lonely. Our days consisted of protecting the world and making sure that God was happy with our work. My sister had never told me that she had chosen to mate with Hades and I couldn't blame her either because I was truly a God's little helper back then so I would have certainly objected to their relationship. I didn't even sense their mating because my sister had masked it well.

The only change that I had sensed in my sister was, that she was really happy while I was miserable despite being so powerful. I asked her once what the reason behind her happiness was and she told me then that she had found a human to mate with. We as the lunar goddesses were never supposed to mate and I made sure that she remembered that fact but she still disobeyed me. I was busy saving the world and my creations at that time and discovered what my sister was up too when it was too late. I had no other choice then to strip my sister of her title when God came to warn her because I felt betrayed. I always thought that my sister and I were inseparable but knowing that she had chosen the devil over me broke me completely. My sister left my side in anger after that and went to live in the underworld with Hades.

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