Chapter 66. Lucifer's dilemma Part 1.

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Micah's P.O.V

Knightly and I had no other choice than to take a quick shower and then go see what was going on when we heard that humans were being attacked. I mind linked the pups and Noah to say that they should get ready to join us too when I sensed that the human town that Casus was talking about was all the way in India.

The town was far from civilization and it seemed like they had been living on farming only. The town seemed like a peaceful town so I couldn't comprehend why the demons would want to attack a town that didn't involve themselves with conflicts. There was surely something more behind the attacks so I asked Knightly to order Mason, Connor, Jeremy and Nathan to join us too because it was time for them to find out the truth.

I ordered Noah to take the pups straight to the town and hoped that Andreas would join us too but it seemed like he was busy with pack duties. The attack was still in full swing when we reached the town and there were already many casualties. I sighed in relief when I saw that Connor and the others had also arrived there with the help of Knightly. I decided to wait before interfering with the attack when I sensed one of the great earl's amongst the demons.

Ignatius couldn't wait to join the fight and I quickly stopped him when I saw that the great earl had sensed us. I quickly casted a stronger spell to mask our presence but knew that it was already too late. I then mind linked everyone including the pups and said "Don't take another step unless I tell you too". Everyone nodded with their heads at me and I quickly tried to sense what was going on. I then suddenly heard Amell yell "There papa!" and instantly looked into the direction he was pointing at.

I saw five women trying to get away while holding babies in their arms and I knew that something was wrong when I saw how the babies were completely covered in blankets. Aadya started jumping up and down when she saw the babies then squealed "Babies". It seemed like the women were on the run from something and they were shaking in fear.

I could understand why the babies were covered in blankets but not the way they were covered. Any human baby would have died by now from the lack of oxygen so knew I that there was something odd about the babies. I could see that Knightly and his men were concentrating on the demons so decided to follow the women with the babies, together with the pups. I suddenly sensed the great earl frantically looking for something and knew that he was looking for the babies. I quickly mind linked Knightly to say "Take care of the demons and the humans with your men Knigh while I go see why the great earl wants the babies with the help of the pups". I chuckled when I heard Knightly reply to me then with "As you wish my king".

We followed the women to a well after that and the pups gasped when they saw that one of the women was about jump in the well with the baby that she was holding. I quickly casted a spell to close off the well and got startled when I heard the great earl chuckle menacingly. He grabbed one of the women before I knew it and my eyes widened in surprise when the woman changed into a fairy. The woman casted her sword and then tried to cut off the great earl's arms but only managed to make a scratch on him because the baby that she was holding started squirming.

A fairy's sword was a blessed sword so the great earl hissed in pain. The great earl then tried to grab one of the other babies and I then thought that I had seen enough so said while looking at the pups "We don't know how many powerful enemies we will face during this war pups so I want you all to forget everything and fight him like he's your biggest enemy in the world". I saw Ignatius looking curiously at me and felt guilty for using my pups like that so said while kneeling down in front of him "I'm sorry for using you guys all the time pups but I promise you that you can have all the fun that you want when the war is over".

Ignatius frowned at me and then replied to me with "I love fighting papa so I don't mind kicking someone's butt but what I don't understand is what you are going to do while we're fighting the great earl". Kingsley then suddenly jumped into the conversation and said "I think what Ignatius is trying to say is that you shouldn't try something dangerous while we're busy fighting the great earl papa". I smiled at Ignatius when Kingsley was done explaining and then said to him while stroking his head "I'll be guarding the babies fiery one because I have a feeling that there is a reason behind the great earl so desperately wanting them so concentrate on your fight instead on me, I'm not going anywhere".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now