Chapter 36. Deepest desire Part 2

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Noah's P.O.V

I suddenly felt someone poke me on my cheek and quickly opened my eyes to see who this person was. There was light shining into my eyes and I had to put my hand up to block the light to see clearly who was standing before me. I saw a small boy standing in front of me and I instantly uttered "Ignatius?" because the boy looked exactly like him. The boy burst out laughing and then said to me while clutching his belly "My name is not Ignatius but Micah silly". My heart skipped a beat as soon as I heard the small boy utter those words and I looked in shock at my surroundings. I couldn't recognize the place where I currently was and asked the small boy "Where are we little boy?"

The little boy crossed his arms on his chest in anger and then said to me while stomping with his feet on the floor "I told you that my name was Micah so call me Micah, big boy" I then quickly said to the little boy to calm him down "Where are we Micah?" The little boy smiled at me the moment he heard me say his name and then replied to me with "Come with me and I'll show you". The little boy then turned around and started running towards a door. He then pushed the door roughly open and my eyes widened in surprise when I recognized the place as the gym where my mother used to take me to watch Micah practice his gymnastics moves.

Little children suddenly started running around and I instantly realized that they couldn't see me when one of them ran right through me. The little boy then pointed his finger into a direction and said while disappearing "Look". I looked into the direction the little was pointing at and saw that there was a little boy practicing alone on the uneven bars that were in the gym. I then heard a woman who looked like a coach yell at the boy "I told you not to practice alone Micah. I already told you to ask your mother to catch you when you land because I don't want you to get hurt. Now go ask your mother to help you while I go help the other kids". The coach then walked away and I saw Micah hesitating for a bit before walking to my mother who was busy feeding my younger self.

I could recognize myself from all the pictures that were hanging on the walls at home and I was probably one year old back then. Micah walked slowly towards our mother while rubbing his hands together and then asked my mother while looking at his trainers when he reached her "Can you help me with my landing mommy, the coach said that I'm not allowed to practice until you help with my landing". My mother sighed while wiping my younger self's mouth and then replied to Micah with "Sure sweetie, why don't you go get ready while I give Noah something to play with". Micah smiled broadly at our mother and then ran towards the uneven bars again. My mother gave me a plush rabbit and some toys to play with and then walked towards Micah to help him with his landing.

My younger self started playing with the toys and I saw then how Micah perfectly completed his moves before landing in front of our mother on the mat. Our mother hugged Micah and then uttered while placing kisses on his head "You're even better than I was Micah I'm so proud of you my beautiful boy". Micah hugged our mother tightly back and then replied to her with "Thank you mommy, can I do it again". Our mother nodded with her head at Micah and Micah then ran to the other side of the uneven bars again. "Don't forget to catch me mommy" yelled Micah before starting his moves and our mother smiled at him.

I then suddenly saw my mother look in shock at my younger self just as Micah was about to land and I quickly looked into my younger self's direction. A cold shiver ran down my spine the moment I saw that one of the dumbbells that were on a bench in the corner of the gym was about to fall on my younger self's head. I could clearly see that I had crawled towards the bench because the dumbbells were shiny. My mother ran toward my younger self to pick me up while forgetting that Micah was about to finish his landing. I could sense that Micah was startled when he saw my mother leave and he fell with a loud thud on the mat.

Micah immediately winced in pain and I could see tears in his eyes but he quickly blinked them away while looking at our mother who was trying to calm the crying me down. The coach ran towards Micah when she saw him fall and then instantly asked him while kneeling down next to him "Tell me where you're hurt Micah because it's not good to let injuries like this untreated". Micah shook his head at the coach and then said "I'm fine mrs Libby I'm not hurt, can I go have a drink now". The coach shook her head at Micah and then replied to him with "You can go Micah but come and tell me as soon as you feel any pain, okay". Micah nodded with his head at the coach and then carefully stood up.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now