Prologue: The Launch Of The Christmas Event

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[Author's note]

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There you have it, another year's Christmas ruined by the, obviously, annual event in the MMORPG, George worked as admin for. Even though he had been adopted at a young age by a Japanese family, he had always felt at home with them.

Just too bad that having grown up going to Japan for Christmas and the past four years since he had gotten this job he had to miss out on it.

The buzzing of his phone next to the keyboard as he was arguing with a player in-game that the event currency would not be given for free to every player, but that it had been a false rumor spreading and not an actual bug.

After a ten minute debate through the chat client that allowed him to contact players in-game from outside of it, or if necessary spawn right next to them, he picked up his phone and saw he had a message from his mother, they could not leave the airport today and the flight had been cancelled due to a storm closing in.

Later that night, when his shift finally ended, George took the car home.
The winds had picked up and started growing stronger as time went on. He had to turn into the wind quite a few times to prevent himself from being blown onto the next lane.
Seeing the pouring rain and flashing lightning, he found the storm that had grounded his parents at the airport was moving fast, but at least they would depart later that night when the storm left the area.

Parking the car and running into the house, George had just avoided a fierce gust of wind that almost tore the front door from the doorpost.

"Seems someone pissed off a couple of gods." He muttered having closed the door. He ate at work and just wanted to get a quick shower before he continued his hobby project.

While he was drying himself, George could hear the thunder rapidly growing closer as thunderous explosions of lighting lit up the poorly lit bathroom every few seconds.

Taking a mug from the cabinet, George left all the lights downstairs off and climbed the two flights of stairs to his attic where he had his 'workspace' for his freeware programming hobby.

A single press and his coffee machine began to make his coffee while he booted his pc.

Everything ready to go, he opened his programming environment and began working at the final bits of his next game.

As a developer online he was simply known as Codomon which had been suggested by his father after he had begun jokingly mocking his son's hobby as pointless. He had begun using the name as a mash up of the Japanese word for code demon his father had mocked him with.

He could understand, at the time he put more time and effort into his coding than schoolwork so his parents were not happy, but let him go on nonetheless.

A loud crash of lighting simultaneously with a blinding flash filled the attic room with a heavy rumble and light.

The moment that happened George freaked out, his pc monitor flashed along with the lighting and his computer itself seemed to get fried entirely, just as he felt the force of the thunder clap raging through his body, only for everything to go black.

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