VOL.4 Chapter 24, Bandit camp.

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The next morning, Ayame had taken another hour to clean the last of her kills. Something that had already taken her the entire evening before and now she was finally done when they had packed camp again to leave.

Although she decided to leave the hunt be for now, she still had her bow in hand and her quiver hanging next to where she sat in the carriage bed.

"Everyone, keep your voices down from here on out, we're getting near the bandit camp." Kanrish whispered as he noticed several out-of-place structures on his map.

A sudden twang of a bowstring drew his attention and he stood ready with an assault rifle of pure magic before anyone could have reacted to the sound.

He feared some of the bandit scouts had fired an arrow at them, but the thud of a grizzly man falling dead from a tree ahead of them disproved that.

In fact, the wooden stick protruding from the man's forehead, between his eyes, proved who had fired first.

Slowly Kanrish turned his head around and faced Ayame, who held her bow as if she had released an arrow not a second ago and stood looking to make sure she had struck her target.

"Ah, good one." She muttered with a calm nod and lowered her bow. It was then that she noticed all the eyes in their carriage were on her. Even Aelanna had stopped the drakes to see the girl who had no idea what she had just done.

"What?" Ayame asked calmly and quickly nocked another arrow and fired.

Again a dull thud of a corpse falling from a tree. Another bandit the girl had killed with the exact same terrifying accuracy.

"What? I don't plan on being peppered by scouts with bows or letting them know where we are." Ayame replied innocently to the inquisitive stares fixed on her.

"You realize you are killing those people without hesitation, right?" Emiko asked her in cold, deliberate tones. She was rightfully shocked by her little sister's display right now.

"Why wouldn't I? They'd do the same to us." Ayame replied calmly and nodded.

"Not seeing any other scouts so far." She muttered and Kanrish sighed.

"I already knew where those two were and if they had made a move I would have gunned them down... but you just immediately sniped them. Really Ayame? You are terrifying with that bow." He replied and nodded at Aelanna to ride their drakes up to the two corpses that now blocked the road.

With them, Kanrish had already spotted replacement ammunition for Ayame and planned to take it.

When he had stashed the two quivers worth of arrows into one larger one they had, he handed it to Ayame and she placed her 'old arrows' into her folder in their chests.

That left him with the pop-up in his {H.U.D.}

{Improvised Arrows (20 pieces) acquired}

"I'll keep those as spares." She softly said to herself and took her position next to her new quiver with actual arrows.

They found three more of the same kind of forward scouts hidden in the trees with longbows and each of them was taken down by Ayame before anyone could do a thing.

The girl truly was a monster with bow and arrow. Everyone in their company could agree on that without a moment's notice.

When Ayame had stashed her two additional supplies of arrows into her folder as well, they went on to the main part of the bandit camp.

The most dangerous part of it, Kanrish figured and asked Lyya and Misuki to remain with the carriage along with the kids.

Together with Akane and Aelanna Kanrish snuck his way up to the edge of the actual camp.

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