VOL.4 Chapter 10, False accusations from Nobility.

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[Author's note]

A little reminder for those who are interrested, the next ebooks for Debugging Another World, Sent by the Gods and An Elf on Earth enter pre-release on October 13th, and go on full release on November 13th. If you are interrested in early chapter releases and my fully edited ebooks and want to support my writing, you can get them all at my Patreon at: patreon.com/padgevanderklift 

Kanrish had heard Emiko's wailing coming from upstairs about a bell ago since she had probably gone against Lyya's advice.

But around that time, he had been in the living room with Lyya when an unannounced guest had arrived.

Well, more like two guests.

The orcish couple of the Gloomaxe Earldom.

Sharog Gloomaxe and her husband Rakghu Gloomaxe had come to visit their mansion during a travel between their small Earldom they ran as an orcish sanctuary.

"But might I ask what brings you here?" Lyya asked them and Sharog smiled at her.

"We have been travelling across several cities in the Cardinal to see how we might help any unfortunate orcish inhabitants. But might I ask a question of my own?" She replied and Lyya nodded, a pleasant smile on her face.

"Where might the twins be? I have not seen them since our arrival."

"Ah, that is a rather saddening story." Lyya said and the orcish couple seemed a little distraught at the notion.

"Oh, please, do not misunderstand. They are currently not around, but rather far off on some business. Although we cannot disclose their whereabouts." Kanrish replied at their remorseful looks.

"O-oh, that is good to hear. I hope they are doing fine then." Rakghu spoke and Kanrish nodded.

"So do I."

"As do I." Lyya followed up her husband and the conversation continued in a more pleasant direction after that.

"But how have you been doing lately?" Asked Rakghu and Kanrish smiled at him.

"You have come at the right time, honestly. I have just returned with our daughters Emiko and Hapii from the village of Blackfeather Mesa." He replied and the orcish couple smiled.

"Ah, I see. We have been fortunate to find you here then." Sharog spoke calmly and looked around a bit.

"Where is the girl, actually? I would like to wish her a good day as well." She said and Kanrish sighed.

"I fear she might not be so responsive to that. I took her and Hapii along seeing she wished to convey her love for one of the local girls, however, she took the rejection quite badly." He explained and Sharog nodded.

"Young love can be painful at times." She spoke and her husband nodded.

"Indeed, it can be." He added and the couple shot to their feet and made a deep bow.

"Your Highness." They echoed each other and Kanrish and Lyya turned to see who had arrived.

"Oh, I see the Gloomaxes are here. Pay me no heed, I simply came to visit my wife." Pharana spoke as she gestured for the couple to rise again.

"As you wish, Your Highness." They spoke and Pharana greeted Kanrish and Lyya with a pleasant smile.

"I take it the twins have yet to return?" She asked and Kanrish nodded.

"They do, I guess they might be a while before they do, though. We were told it could very well take a month." He replied and Pharana nodded.

"Well, off to the wife." She said and with a happy strut in her pace, she walked back into the foyer and vanished onto the stairwell.

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