VOL.4 Chapter 21, Surprising skill.

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"Let's hope this is the final step before we get those damned saw blades." Kanrish grumbled as they rode out the compound of the heavy metals factory of Torrine City.

"Let us hope so." Alcea mumbled softly next to Emiko, who had cooled down a little, if only a little.

Emiko had taken it on herself to teach her girlfriend the ways of manipulating and using the {Arcane Tablet} to navigate during their breaks, among things.

They had a mere hour ago signed the contract for the Guild Mission from the Torrine City Metals Factory.

Their payment, huge by even the means of Lyya's knowledge of having seen it, but accurate for the situation. A grand total of fifty full gold.

They had been given a rough estimate where they could find the bandit group, and thus moved in that direction.

It was a guess from Kanrish, but he figured the bandit group would hardly be foolish enough to stay in one place so long they were known for hiding there, but this forest made such things seem more of a necessity than a preference in many cases.

Two days of travel soon passed for them, simply tracking the bandit group to no avail.

"Have they moved on?" Kanrish asked himself as they sat camping at night of the second day, simply wondering why they hadn't found the bandit camp yet.

"Hm, idea. Alcea, you'll lose the {Arcane Tablet} for a moment, I'll hand it back to you as soon as I'm done." Kanrish spoke and conjured his map before him, in the way only he saw it and thus, the {Arcane Tablet} in her hands shattered loudly.

"Kyaa!" Alcea's shriek echoed slightly off the surroundings as she had not expected the result of what Kanrish meant.

"Don't worry, that thing is the most replaceable thing we have in our family." Emiko told the startled dryad who sat worriedly looking at her hands where she held the tablet mere moments ago.

"Let's see if this thing works as I meant it to..." Kanrish mumbled and brought up his {Code Console} with the map displayed on it. He found his {Mod} would not work on the normal display of his map before his eyes.

He spent two days on the road building the detailed search engine he felt would help the map system a lot but had yet to test it. And thus he intended to do so on his {Code Console} now he knew it would not work without bringing a more tangible system forth.

"Let's see, {Start Search Engine}." He spoke aloud and saw several pop-ups on the screens before him.

The first was the simple equivalent of whenever you ran a .bat file on a pc.

The second was a simple loading screen on one of the side screens that showed the loading process of the, unexpectedly complicated, {mod}. But luckily, that loading went surprisingly fast.

Next the simple interface he designed for the search function appeared, replacing the loading screen.

"Let's see... bandit... search." Kanrish muttered to himself as he typed the word into the textbox for the map-search query and tapped the search button in anticipation.

"Hm, nothing. Let's see, something else. Wanted Criminals." He muttered and repeated the process until he found the system he built worked on specific bounties for searches like this.

A search query such as 'bandits' or 'wanted criminals' was too vague for the system, but when searching for 'wanted for theft' and similar phrases, multiple markers appeared on his map on the middle screen.

There were three clusters of markers now, each a long travel away from them.

"Ah, if I refine the search to 'Wanted for theft of raw metals', will it show which of these we need?" He spoke, louder than anticipated and still unaware that all of their family had sat down behind him to watch the mysteries of his coding at work.

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