VOL.3 The journey continues.

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After a long walk down the ramp leading down from the Eastern Cardinal, Kanrish and his family, the newly appointed Earldom of Swifteye of the Eastern Cardinal, said their goodbyes with Queen Pharana and gave Aelanna a moment to speak with her wife before their departure.

After that, they made their way down the busy road leading to the Foothold Town of Holbeck. When finally, after a full bell of walking, they arrived at the town itself instead of the walled off street, Kanrish felt a slight wave of relief fall from him.

"Finally that 'mission' is completed... Took long 'nough though." He muttered and gave a few glances around what seemed to be a market square at the end of the Tree Trunk Road. "Wait... our carriage!" He suddenly exclaimed and felt a calm hand on his shoulder. "Got this pass to clear us to retrieve it from the mansion Honey." Misuki spoke calmly and waved a small parchment in front of him.

"Let's get some supplies restocked and take the carriage on the road again." Lyya spoke calmly and three pitched cheers echoed behind them. Emiko, Ayame and Hapii stood happily as they were about to embark on a short shopping trip.

"What do we have in stock, Baby. You're the one who can easiest see how much of everything is left." Akane spoke as she rested her arms around his waist and her chin on Kanrish's shoulder. "Let's see..." He muttered while taking his phone from the small pocket on the front of his shoulder bag.

As he skimmed the list that made up their {Food} folder, he noticed that they simply missed a bunch of meat and some basic supplied. herbs and spices were well stocked and so they simply got new supplies of potatoes, onions, carrots and other basic vegetables that were used in almost every dish.

When they had all their supplied deposited into the corresponding folder by Kanrish, their group made its way to the mansion where their carriage had been for a month since they headed up into the Cardinal Tree.

"Who goes there, currently the royal family is not present in the mansion. If you seek an audience I suggest you head into the Tree itself." A guard spoke as he halted their group. A few curious glances were thrown at the harpy amidst them. People seemed to be put off by the fact Hapii had taken a liking to halterneck dresses that she could easily wear, with a little help to get into them.

"We have a clearance from Her Highness the Cardinal Queen to retrieve our carriage here." Misuki spoke while she handed the parchment to the guard. As his eyes darted across the sheet as he unfolded it, the guard's face grew pale.

"O-of course, Lady Swifteye, please enter..." He spoke shaken when he handed the note back to Misuki and gestured for the gate to be opened for them.

On silent hinges the gate opened to let them pass and one guard rushed to retrieve their carriage.

The garden was still wellkept and fit the large, stylish mansion in the middle of the large plot of land well. The odd feel of Asian mixed with Mediterranean was now recognizable for Kanrish as he stood before the mansion.

The white plastered walls, the Greek and Roman style pillars that kept the overhang at the front door supported all fit the different colored rosebeds around the grounds. On each of the two front corners of the land around the mansion, stood a large cherry blossom tree with what seemed to be zen-gardens under them. It all created an odd, yet fitting contrast.

The biggest Asian influence on the mansion, were the Edo era styled windows and the Japanese styled tiled roof and supports. While they waited for their carriage, Kanrish came to get a feel for the layout of Holbeck.

Most, south, it had the long walkway to the tree. Immediately bordering that, was one of three main squares where the largest market was positioned. From there the town, or city, however you call it, formed a triangle between the two other main squares.

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