Chapter 5: The Long Night Where Twins Fight.

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For hours, Kanrish sat in the small camp he and Lyya had made.

Before she went to sleep she refused to tell him what she had left on the note for her father. And now he just sat here next to her, while she lay on her bedroll sleeping.

Slowly time ticked away as Kanrish just sat staring at the small campfire they had built.

Occasionally sneaking a glance at the sleeping Lyya next to him just to make sure she was alright.

When it was about time for his watch to end, he recognized ten humanoids breaking the boundaries of his {Scan Area}.

He had spent a part of his night making a simple mod to function as radar to accompany the {Scan Area} spell. So this would also be a bit of a stress test for his newly made {Tactical Overlay}.

To his North-East, ten dots appeared on the radar in the top right of his peripheral vision.

Looking down the scope of his weapon, Kanrish lay down, flat on his chest rifle aiming for the enemies.

And they were mere bandits from the looks of it.

"Easy enough... one down... two... three, four, five... and shit!" He said counting as he picked off the bandits one by one until a Dragonkin Soldier appeared again.

Taking a {fireball} scroll from his bag, Kanrish altered his weapon and rushed to wake his traveling companion.

"Lyya, wake up... wake up damn it, we've got big trouble..." He said as he shook her and she finally woke from her slumber.

"What's wrong... some bandits or wha-...?!" She choked on her words as the Dragonkin Soldier stood behind Kanrish, who was bent over her.

In a quick motion her held the scroll at his scaled opponent and fired the handgun at the bandits who had now closed in on them surprisingly fast.

Although unexpected, from the pistol, a blast of fire followed by a large fiery explosion as the round struck the bandit.

"Wah!" Lyya shouted as she scrambled back.

"Dunno what went wrong but I can work with this..." Kanrish said, smiling sadistically, summoning the revolver again and adjusting his aim at the slowly backing up Dragonkin in front of him.

"The Abyss calls your name, now return!" He shouted and pulled the trigger after fueling a raging amount of his mana into the pistol, along with his repeat of the {fireball} spell.

Pulling the trigger was more destructive than he had expected, the weapon shattered again as the spell got fired from it.

The impact with the Dragonkin being even more decimating than he had expected, nothing remained of the monster as the explosion tore it apart.

The flames barely brushing his face as the explosion faded.

Grass and mud had been scorched black and nothing but burnt corpses and the stench of burnt flesh clung to the air.

"Let's get moving again, I doubt anyone would have missed that explosion." Kanrish said as he put out the fire with a cloth rag and helped Lyya to her feet.

"Sorry if I scared you with the weapons I used, I'll explain it later... it's just rather complex. For now we should get moving." He said and she silently nodded as she dropped her bedroll into his bag.

Anyway his radar adaptation seemed to work properly. As seemingly did his bag's enchantment, seeing the notification of Lyya's bedroll appeared in his log.

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