VOL.2 Chapter 4: Arachnaphobic Hime-Sama.

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After their camp was made, Pharana sat quietly at the edge.

She was somehow very timid at the moment and Misuki sat down next to her.

"Why are you so distant, is something wrong with our group?" She asked and the forest princess looked up startled and shook her head.

"N-no It's nothing..." She replied and gave a regretful glance trough the camp.

Everyone was worried.

The princess' guards had taken security duty for the time being, but Princess Pharana had been sitting near the edge of camp like a frightened deer since they had stopped for the day.

"Hime-Sama, are you afraid of the forest at night... for me and Nee-chan the first nights were scary." Ayame said as she sat down calmly next to the Princess of the Eastern Capital.

It had taken a while for Princess Pharana to grasp the meanings of the honorifics Ayame and Akane spoke with.

But once Kanrish gave a synopsis of those they used most commonly and the ones with which they addressed her it was easily cleared up, although she did try and learn the origins a few times, she accepted the fact they chose to keep it secret for 'safety reasons'.

With a startled response Pharana looked aside to see the dark elf sitting next to her.

The child hugged her legs as she sat, but not from fear, it was a comfortable position for the girl.

"I-I'm not used to..." The Princess bit her lip in hesitation and Ayame waited for the rest of the answer with curiosity.

"If you are scared, Hime-Sama, there is no need, Tosan can take down a dragon alone. I was with Okasan on the hill when he shot down two dragons... he killed them easily. If Tosan is with us, nothing bad can happen."

With her usual childish innocence Ayame spoke with Princess Pharana.

Her appearance did not match her age mentally but that was an elven thing.

She was fourteen but that equaled a human's mental age of six and she had the body of a grade schooler.

And on top of that she had been a slave for most of her life.

It was amazing to see Ayame acting so naturally around a foreign royal as she did.

"Is he that strong? I knew he was exceptional when he fought the Naga, but two dragons at the same time?" Princess Pharana spoke up surprised and calmed a bit.

Letting go of a small sigh, Pharana looked to her side until her eyes met with the elven child.

"I never traveled the forest with so little combatant guards around... but usually when I would get back to The Eastern Capital I had at least thirty to forty guards remaining."

The sound of Pharana's voice catching was soon followed by Aelanna rushing into the camp.

With a surprised yelp Pharana leapt to her feet at the weretigress leaping into the camp.

On her shoulders she carried a large doe, twice the size of what it normally would be.

"I see why this forest on its own is an army repellant." Kanrish spoke jokingly and Aelanna dropped the carcass near the chopping block where Emiko began butchering the beast.

"Feels good to hunt normal prey again." She mused while shifting from her busty bipedal tiger form into the elven appearance she usually walked around with.

The raw voice from her hybrid form smoothed out as she returned to her elven shapes.

"Oh Aelanna-Sama, we get to eat deer!?" Ayame exclaimed happily and ran to the carcass.

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