VOL.3 Pickpockets and an anniversary.

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When the guards at the gate to the village halted them, Kanrish was still sitting in the bed of their carriage with his writing studies with Lyya. Aelanna sat in the driver's seat with Misuki and Akane lay sprawled through the carriage bed as she lay sleeping.

A rough voice called for them from the guards asking for identification and with a slight gesture from Aelanna they were granted access into the village. While they were guided by several local guards, Aelanna drove the carriage to a small stable near the edge of the village and a middle aged man came from the confines of the shaded office next to it.

"Karlon, why in the nine hells would ye suddenly bring folks 'ere? Ye know dis ain't no normal stable. Commonfolk need use da one from the Inn." The man spoke coldly and the guard stepped closer and whispered a few brief things into the man's ear.

"Pardon me Yer Highness. I was unaware of the new Queen's wife being a travellin' lass." He spoke and bowed his head in apology as he calmly led the two drakes into the stable itself. "We'll take good care of yer drakes Yer Highness. Any preferences fer maintenance to da carriage?" He spoke when their group disembarked from the carriage. His surprise was not hidden when after seeing the Princess of the Eastern Cardinal he lived in driving the carriage, to see three women and a man disembark along with two young dark elves and a well dressed harpy.

"An odd company to have 'round ye I must say Yer Highness." He spoke and Aelanna smiled at him. "You don't need to tell me. But I'm glad I have these companions to travel with." She added and tossed the man a single large silver coin. "Pamper the drakes a bit. We'll leave a day or two from now." She spoke while rejoining the rest beyond the overhang of the stable.

From the view of the small square, there were a few larger stores nearby and several stalls along the roads connecting to the square. It was a humble place, but still the small town seemed a peaceful place. Simply walking through the town Kanrish saw several different races he had not seen before. The clearest were the short statures of the multiple kobolds. A few similarly short ratmen walked amidst the crowds as well. A young woman with three tails and large fox-like ears on top of her head caught his attention. Her hair and tails were a deep ginger of color and she had a face filled with freckles as she hurried past Kanrish and his group.

"Watch it!" Akane called loudly when the fox woman bumped into her and they quickly continued on their way. "What was that shout for anyway? She seemed in a hurry, but did she run into you Dear?" Kanrish asked and Akane nodded while her face spoke a few words of worry for her.

"W-wait a minute... My coin purse!" She shouted and Kanrish turned around to face the direction he had seen the woman run off to. "Damn it, pickpockets." He muttered and tried to set his {Scan Area} so that it would pick up on fox women.

"Well that doesn't help at all. I can tell there are fifteen of those fox women in a one mile radius. Damn it!" He cursed internally and softly patted Akane on her shoulder. "We'll get it back." He whispered and Akane nodded wryly and pushed her wings from her shoulders.

Shouts of panic echoed around them as people noticed the black feathered wings and tried to run.

"I'm going after that damned woman!" She bellowed and immediately black fog billowed from her wings and around her eyes. "Aelanna, you keep them safe and get to an inn, I'll locate you once we're done with this." Kanrish spoke and grabbed the shotgun as he conjured it. A simple old fashioned pump-action shotgun, but it would do in the densely packed streets as they cleared around Akane.

"Let's go, I think I found her. Or should I say them... seven of those women together with multiple other markers around them. Let's go..." Kanrish spoke and Akane smiled at him, saying, "...It's hunting season..." as she leapt into the air on a single stroke of her wings.

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