VOL.2 Chapter 5: A Small town of renegades.

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While the carriage rolled along the dirt roads that connect the towns of the Southern Forest, Kanrish had fallen into a shallow slumber as the morning sun crested through the leaves above.

Lyya had taken the time to talk with Princess Pharana while they made their way farther into the forest.

"Pharana, why exactly where you travelling so far from the Eastern Capital, was there some problem somewhere that needed such priority?" At Lyya's question Pharana, who still sat hugging her knees since they had escaped the Arachne's, Shiore's, territory, looked up from her feet.

"The Alpenwood house will soon be succeeded by me and I have to start showing my face to the people. But the travels are dangerous..." Pharana sighed and several moments passed before Ayame sat down with the two.

"Neechan, come sit with us..." Her voice called out for Emiko who sat sifting through her stuff in the lockbox.

"...Ah... I can't find it... Lyya, do you know if my locket from Ayame and my old parents was moved to another... folder, they were called right?" The girl spoke and Pharana gave a confused look.

"Not that I know dear. Ask Kanrish when he wakes up." Lyya's reply caused the girl's shoulders to slump before she sat down with her sister who leaned into her.

"But every time a new succession to one to lead a Cardinal City, the heir to that family must seek out the populace of that city's cardinal and even the towns they have allied with in the other cardinals and their capitals and gain the favors of the elders of each." Pharana continued her explanation while gazing out the open back of the carriage as if expecting something.

"Your Highness, should you really be telling all this to foreigners?" One of her guards spoke up and she shot him an angry glance.

"They need to know why the Princess of the largest of the four Cardinal Cities is suddenly out in the forest and hires a group of travelers for protection... they should at least know why I'd be so far from the city." She retorted and her guard silently bowed his head before backing down.

"But if I ruin my chances with the elders of allied towns I can cause a massive shift in power within the four Cardinal Cities as settlements shift their allegiances. It is the reason the Southern Forest has four Capitals instead of one. The struggle between four major houses that once divided the nation lasted long, but has now since generations become the main reason and method for ruling that very nation it divided."

With a sigh Pharana let her gaze sink again and felt Ayame pat her back as she leaned forward.

"Like this I won't be able to keep the balance with the other elders I still need to visit. I lost my guard escort so there is no way..." Silent tears ran down the Princess's face as she stopped talking.

"They won't follow someone who can't keep her own guards alive..." She muttered and buried her face in her knees.

The princess was showing her defeat more and more until Lyya told both Ayame and Emiko to switch out with Akane who held the carriage's reins now.

Aelanna sat next to Misuki with her back against the driver's seat in the carriage bed and was slowly nodding off.

After an exhausting ride through half the night and the entire morning, the group arrived in a town with a rather, hospitable appearance.

The guards had guided the carriage through the wooden fencing that surrounded the village.

"Follow me, I'll show you to the stables for guests of the Empty Tree. I can advise it for your traveling company, since it's the largest inn the village has." A guard addressed Emiko while walking ahead of the carriage.

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