Announcement, Call to Action.

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Please do read thiseven if you have already read the entire thing already there is new informationat the bottom of this 'chapter'.

I know this isn't a normal chapter like I normally release, it won't contain any content for the story as it is in EVERY single book right now. This is a call-to-action from me to you all for input. I know this is going to be long, but please, I really do mean, please read it all and give it some thought. The more replies and suggestions I get for additions to my Patreon the better I can implement a few.

While I am truly grateful to everyone here on Wattpad, I know a lot of you read my books and just as many enjoy them. But the current state of it is this; I have my Patreon since Wattpad has no ways to monetize your writing other than paid stories which I have rather quickly noticed I am simply not eligible for because I don't write 'mainstream' literature. At the moment, I have one patron, and dude, I love you to bits (not in any weird way, but I truly love you for the support to the writing you give me) but that is it.

Under the current situation it truly has become really difficult to keep myself motivated and going while working on SIX series in the span of a 2 week cycle. And this is not me begging you guys for money, I know that there will be people who would scream 'just gimme my free content!' at the first notion of paying, but a request for input from you all that would have you more willing to subscribe to my Patreon.

I am asking for input and ideas on what you would want from me as a creator that would have you more willing, and possibly even convince you to, pay for content on my Patreon. I will also add a summary of the current tiers I have and suggestions for where ideas would be fitting are definitely welcome as well (as far as the suggestions go, my current price-plan is based on some issues I had with the Patreon and had to resolve by altering the tiers and pricing)

The tiers are as follows and all include everything from the tier below.

Isekaitis (5 dollars per month); This tier is a starting tier and receives only two benefits, all my chapters one week before they land here on Wattpad, and access to my Discord with with a special rank and all the channels except for a single one since it is reserved for a higher tier which will depend on it.

Ebook Supporter (15 Dollars per month): IN addition to the above benefits, these Patrons also receive access to my books that have been edited and made into ebooks which currently includes the first two volumes of Debugging Another World and the first volumes of Sent by the Gods, An Elf on Earth and the Rebirth of Fenrir. These ebooks are available for download once I have finished editing them after finishing a volume for the series.

Physical Book Supporter (20 Dollars per month): This tier is dedicated to realizing my own dream of selling actual, physical copies of my books and the more support this tier sees the sooner we can all enjoy having the physical copies of my books in our hands. For this tier, and the only tier higher than this one, I have one more channel that is locked away for other tiers since it is meant to order the physical copies of your books.

Overpowered Protag (30 Dollars per month): This tier is the top tier and I will not make one that surpasses this. These patrons (at the moment none) receive a lot more. For one, they get a 'pre-order'/ pre-release of my ebooks and can download them one month before anyone else has access to them.

In my News and Updates work, they will be mentioned by either Patreon name or Wattpad name, whichever they want, and will also be getting a shout-out in the series of their choice for its first release after they join.

And the biggest of all for these patrons, they can make a 1-time guest appearance in their series of choice and the approach to this will be discussed with the patron and might need some scheduling and working towards their appearance, they will also receive a shout-out that 'their chapter' is live and it will focus mainly around the character they get to introduce there.

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