VOL.2 Chapter 15, A tree width of miles.

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Walking down the massively wide road leading from the small city of Holbeck to the base of the ridiculously huge tree before their eyes, Kanrish was at the mercy of his rambling mind.

How does a tree even become this... this fucking huge...

His thoughts mainly looped around that question and reached little to no goals or conclusions.

The entire thing was just confusing.

Not even the R.P.G. trope had a proper explanation for it in their lore except that... 'it had always been there'. But he honestly didn't think this forest was where life on Liria had begun.

So while he walked with Misuki and Lyya each holding one of his hands with a smile as they walked in the middle of their group down a fantasy equivalent of a four-lane highway.

The width of the road was easily enough to allow carriages to ride both ways easily and still not hinder foot traffic in both directions.

Hapii simply stood hopping a little ahead of the three of their parents and clawed the dirt road with her every pace.

Akane walked with Ayame and Emiko a little behind the harpy but still close enough to keep an eye on the 'absent minded' girl as she went ahead.

Between them walked Pharana in an awkward silence close to Aelanna who walked near her.

Around their group walked several royal guard units of three guards each.

So with a rather large group of protection, they made their way down the stone walled walkway leading to the very foot of the Cardinal Tree.

That walk almost through with, they could hear a chorus of bells tolling the hours of the day.

The midday bells rang throughout the different levels of the Cardinal above them, and in Holbeck behind them.

All in all it took them over an entire bell to reach the Cardinal Tree's base where a large ramp with railing began spiraling up the huge trunk.

"This... is gonna be a pain..." Kanrish muttered softly as he realized that the walk of three hundred something foot high to the lower floors of the Cardinal City in that tree was not straight up or anything, but a huge spiral going all the way around the tree until it reached the floor above them.

the twenty six foot wide walkway had clear and strong heavy supports all the way around and after Kanrish realized the thing held out with loaded carriages running over it every day, he felt a cold shiver and pushed all thoughts of 'can it hold', ' should it hold', 'what if...' and all such away from his mind and tried to keep his calm as he walked along the rather endless spiral around the huge tree trunk.

"Wait is that Holbeck again already? The tree seems narrower when walking it..." Emiko replied several bells later as they noticed a town a distance below them, but Pharana promptly denied the notion as it not being the same town they had been in earlier.

"That's the Western foothold town of Torrine, farther ahead we'll see Kilead and even farther would be Whylesden, but by then we'll be a rather large distance up already, so we'll need to get nearer to the railing to see it." Pharana spoke calmly about the four cities that apparently circled the entire tree, giving an even more frightening image of the tree's immense size.

Kanrish, who had already fallen completely silent after what felt like a three hour walk since they had begun down the Foothold Road, could only shake his head in disbelief at the revelation.

The face with which he tried to ignore the sight of the town below him showed how defeated his mind had become by now.

Knowing he had already walked for at least two full bells since they began down the road after he had marveled at the ridiculous tree as it just vanished between the canopies of the other trees without ever seeing a branch sprout, he had given up on anything resembling common sense.

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