VOL.2 Chapter 2: Catfight of the Elders

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While Aelanna covered his back, Kanrish carefully moved ahead, his machine gun ready to burst into action.

"I'm scared..." The whisper came from his back.

The weretigress stood quivering on her legs.

Her sabre in hand, she anxiously looked around.

"I'm making a dash on the count of three... don't fall behind. Okay. One... two... three!" At the shout of the countdown they both bolted for the clearing.

Arrows whizzed past the two invaders as they reached the town where Aelanna had been an elder until recently.

She was clearly scared, her hybrid weretigress form stood shaking while Kanrish released bursts of bullets at the groups in the town as they ran in.

"Get back int-!" A man's shout was cut short by a bullet with {Power Stun} infused into the chamber.

Kanrish aimed for as much 'non-lethal' take-downs now, so using his offensive magic would not do.

Most spells were useless and {Stun Area} did not differentiate between anyone but him.

So all he had was his two revolvers now, already having discarded the machine gun.

He constantly infused the chambers of both revolvers with his homemade {Power Stun} to incapacitate instead of downright killing their attackers.

But as multiple weretigers rushed at them, Aelanna did not aim for the same as Kanrish.

She did strike to kill and at his holding back her tail twitched nervously.

But one frightened girl at the edge of town confirmed what she needed to know.

Upon noticing the girl, a poor soul considered the tribe's outcast, she knew what had to be done.

Her position as elder kept her distant from the girl who did not fit at all with the tribe's 'breed the power into us' mindset.

She took the man who was meant to be her partner and got rid of his manhood, leaving him to bleed out.

The town had first joked about it.

The housecat had dominated the wild tiger. But that was the start.

Soon the poor girl lost everything and Aelanna had lost her will to stay with the tribe that did not respect their own children.

She had wished to help the girl back then, but now...

The girl had motivated her here and now.

The strength she needed to break her chains with the tribe as one of four elders did not lie with how many of her former friends and family she could kill.

True strength was with the way Kanrish fought. He downed his opponents, but here he took not a single life and thus she flipped her sabre backwards in her hand, aiming the sharp side at herself.

Just for a moment did Kanrish' spells incapacitate the opponents, but none died.

But that also meant they kept coming at the two endlessly.

"Aelanna, this'll be loud... sorry." Kanrish said and used a single {fireball} spell.

Shooting a single bullet infused with the spell at one of the bigger buildings, he tore apart one of the three biggest clan houses.

The explosion took the crowd of weretigers by surprise, their feline ears took the blow from the sound and stopped their advance, if only briefly.

Taking his chance, Kanrish grabbed Aelanna by her waist with a yelp.

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