VOL.3 The Thunder-ridge Canyons

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[Author's note]

With the editing for Rebirth of Fenrir finally finished and the release date for the offical ebook of VOl 1 planned on my Patreon, I have begun editing on Debugging Another World VOL 1, it will contain a part of the content here on Wattpad since there are already at least 2 volumes I can make from it and potentially already a third, so these will be less massive reads for the ebooks and should be finished editing soon. For everyone who wishes to buy the ebooks of my works, you can subscribe to the books you wish or all of them on my Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/padgevanderklift

There is a 'split' release date for The Rebirth of Fenrir VOL 1. Those who are subscribed to the Overpowered Protag, can get their download of the ebook on Feb 14th 2019. Those subscribed to the Valkyrie of the Baerne Family, will get theirs Mar 14th 2019.

[Roll for initiative]

[The story]

The next few days, Kanrish spent his time in the harpy village figuring out what all the changes to his 'body' had been. And they were numerous. Not only had his magical usage been completely altered, he had somehow gained a free for all modding system. Not even their inventory lockboxes consumed his mana anymore.

Aelanna had meanwhile resumed everyone's swordsmanship training and the kids took to it more naturally with every passing day. Even Kanrish was starting to be able to keep up with the rest by now as his body had started getting used to the intense labor that came with the swordsmanship training.

His physique was gradually improving and so did his stamina. He reached a point where he could at least block several powerful attacks from Aelanna in quick succession.

Even the weight of his bastard sword he had cursed so many times, had become normal for him.

Two weeks passed where Kanrish and his group stayed as guests of honor in the tribal village and the day they left Nephiëlle had a final announcement for their group.

With her entire tribe of well over a thousand harpies behind her as she stood at the edge of the village where Kanrish stood with his family and their carriage.

"It has been an honor having your group in our humble village. Please accept as a token of our gratitude for saving us and the many fields in which you have helped us, the titles of Honorary Elders. I wish all of you the greatest of fortune in the travels to come and to give you a final boon of our tribe." She spoke and two harpy women in silver decorated breastplates stepped forth with a large wooden platform upon which rested a collection of high quality harpy made coats.

"Seeing your family is headed for the Frostbrand Tundra, we wish to grant you these coats of black demon wolf fur. They are enchanted to provide a comfortable warmth for the wearer while worn so they should be useful in the frozen wasteland you are headed for.

It was during their goodbyes with Nephiëlle that Kanrish noticed a series of pop-ups in his log.

{Aelanna Avirae Alpenwood-Ashroar, Title acquired: Honorary Elder of the Harpies of Blackfeather Mesa.}

{Misuki Swifteye, Title acquired: Honorary Elder of the Harpies of Blackfeather Mesa.}

{Akane Swifteye, Title acquired: Honorary Elder of the Harpies of Blackfeather Mesa.}

{Lyya Swifteye-Rochillard, Title acquired: Honorary Elder of the Harpies of Blackfeather Mesa.}

{Ayame Swifteye, Title acquired: Honorary Elder of the Harpies of Blackfeather Mesa.}

{Emiko Swifteye, Title acquired: Honorary Elder of the Harpies of Blackfeather Mesa.}

{Hapii Sylise Swifteye-Blackfeather, Title acquired: Junior Elder of the Harpies of Blackfeather Mesa.}

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