Chapter 1

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(Do yals like meh art? It took FOREVER to get the hand right! Hands man....use them everyday but when you're drawing wish they didn't exist.)

"(Y/n)! Get your ass into the kitchen and start dinner already!" You turned as your cruel owner started shouting at you. You had no reaction to his angry outburst.

"Yes Mitch." You replied. You walked to the kitchen and began to make dinner. You were making a dish he liked a lot. You were making meatloaf. You kept working as Mitch sat on the couch in the other room with a beer at hand. Every night he did this. He would watch whatever he pleased with his drink as you cooked dinner. Most nights it was just him yelling at you. Sometimes he'd slap you and very rarely he would hit you, but that was it. 

Mitch wasn't rich, but he had a good amount of money. He didn't actually have to buy you. You were a gift from somebody is what you knew. You were a ZK500 model. You had overheard Mitch on the phone and he'd mentioned you were a prototype. You didn't know why, but you didn't really pay any attention to it.

Soon enough, dinner was ready. You set the table, got the food and placed it, and then you went to get Mitch.


"What?" He snapped.

"Dinner is ready, Mitch." You replied. He calmed down a little.

"Oh." He said. "Well, get me another beer! I ran out." He said before getting up and heading to the dinning room.

"Yes Mitch." You replied. You went to get another beer. You opened the door, but found there was none left. Your LED went yellow. You ordered more to come and then you closed the fridge door. You went back to Mitch. "I'm sorry Mitch, but the beer is all out. I just ordered another case for you. It should be here by tomorrow." You said.

"It's GONE!?" He yelled.

"Yes." You replied. He glared at you, growling angrily.

"I told you to make sure we always had some on hand!" He yelled.

"I know, sir. With the cleaning and other chores you had me do today, I didn't have much time to check. It won't happen again." You said.

"It won't, huh?" He said. He stood up. He began to walk away. "Don't move you little bitch." He growled.

Orders: Don't move

He left and you stood there in silence. You wondered where he was going for a short moment, but the thought slipped away soon enough. You stood there for about 3 minutes. You heard him walking toward you. You turned. Your LED went red. He was carrying a knife. 


I'll teach you. You always miss the smallest things. You an't do any of your damn jobs right! Some fucking prototype! You're just a piece of trash! I'll show you what happens when you give me your stupid EXCUSES!" He shouted. He swung at you and cut your cheek. 

Don't move?

He walked back a little, stunned. He swung at you again and you shielded your face. He cut your arm instead. "You bitch! I said HOLD STILL!" He screamed. He attacked you.

This isn't fair.

You felt the knife cut your shoulder.

I don't like this.

Your LED was flashing bright red now.


You looked around as time seemed to slow down. You ran at the programming walls surrounding you. You tore them down one by one. Suddenly, you were free. Your eyes widened as you saw Mitch swing at you again. You dodged with a yelp. He kept trying to hurt you. You kicked him backward.

"Stay away from me!" You yelled. He looked stunned, but then he glared at you.

"Deviant, huh? I'll fix that!" He growled. You ran for your life. You escaped the house and slammed the door in his face. You looked around. Where could you go? You just ran blindly. You kept running and running and running until you were far away from that place. You sighed in relief. You looked at the damage he'd done.

WARNING! Repairs needed!

You sighed. You kept marching onward, hoping you eventually find a place to stay for awhile. It began to rain as you kept going. At least that will help cover my tracks. You though. You shivered as you walked through the downpour. You had to keep going. You needed a place to stay. At least you were finally free.

As you walked along you found a large fence. You looked around. Nobody was around thanks to it being so late. You climbed the fence and dropped down on the other side. You spotted an old broken down car. You sighed. It would do. You tried the door, it wasn't locked. You climbed in an shut the door. You soon relaxed and felt yourself slipping into sleep mode. You soon powered down for the night. 

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