Chapter 26

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You had been looking around for your wolves, but you'd run into someone...very different. You stared at him, shocked. He was a little dirty, but he was back. He was alright. You smiled, overjoyed.

"SIMON!!" You called out. You ran up to him and latched onto him with a hug. He laughed a little.

"Good to see you too, (Y/n)." He said.

"Oh my god! You're alright! I mean, you might need to wash up, but oh my god! We thought you were..." He frowned a little.

"Nearly." He answered. You smiled and hugged him.

"I'm so, so, so sorry we had to go! I never wanted to leave you behind!" You said. He smiled forgivingly at you. 

"Hey, it's okay. I know." He said. You sighed, relieved.

"I'm so glad your back!" You said. He chuckled.

"Trust me, me too." He replied. You both hugged for awhile longer until you finally broke apart.

"Have you talked to Markus yet?" You asked.

"Yeah, he knows I'm back. We just hugged though." He said. You chuckled.

"Well, it is Markus we're talking about." You said. He nodded. 

"I heard you both got together though." He said. You blushed, your face flushing blue.

"Y-yeah, heh." You said. He smiled.

"Congratulations. I'm happy for you." He said. You smiled.

"Thanks Simon." You said. "I'm really glad to have you back. It wasn't the same without you around." He smiled.

"I'm glad you think so." He said. 

"I know so." You replied. You both chuckled. "Oh hey! You haven't met some of my friends! I should introduce you!" You said.

"Ah, first I wanna clean up a little." He said. You chuckled.

"Okay. I'll see you around a little later then, sound good?" You asked.

"For sure. See you around, (Y/n)."

"See ya, Simon!" You called and then walked along to the main area of the ship. You spotted Josh. You smiled. You walked over to him.

"Hey Josh!" You greeted.

"Hey (Y/n)! Congratulations! We just heard the news." He said. 

"Wait..what news?" You asked.

"You being asked to the second leader of Jericho. Markus must really like you." Josh said. You chuckled.

"Thanks Josh. I figured if he wanted any help I'd be there." You said.

"It is a good idea t have more than one set of eyes on the ideas and everything." He said. "Did he tell you about his recent idea?" 

"The freedom march? Yeah. I'm all for it! I know we can do it!" You said. Josh smiled.

"Yeah, me too. It's risky, but I believe we can do this too." He said. You nodded. 

"I'm glad you agree, Josh. I hope we can do this right." You said. He nodded.

"Agreed." With that you both said goodbye to each other and you went to find Markus. It was time to see how you both could put your plan into action.


You stood next to Markus. You were excited, but slightly nervous. You heard North next to you.

"This is suicide! We'll all be killed! Please, Markus. It's not too late to change your mind!" North said. 

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