Chapter 60

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Markus' POV

I headed out with the wolves to Hank's house. I was told to meet them there in the morning. I walked with a purpose. I was going to find her. I was going to help her. I wasn't going to stop until she was in my arms again. I had a reason to fight for her. I loved her. I wasn't going to let her go again. I will never let you go again, (Y/n). 

Soon, the four of us arrived at his house. I rang the doorbell and waited. Hank opened the door. He invited us in. Connor waved a greeting to me with a reassuring smile. We sat down at the kitchen table together. 

"So, how far did you get last night?" Hank asked.

"We made it to about 5 miles east of the house. After that, the wind picked up and they lost her trail. I looked outside this morning and all her tracks are gone. They had already begun to fade by the time I had thought to go after her." I explained. 

"We'll start from there. Maybe now that it's cleared up we'll have more hope of finding her." Connor said. I nodded in agreement. We all headed out. The wolves lead they way from where we left off. Neo, shockingly, had picked up a faint trace of her scent. He lead the way. We all walked halfway through the city, taking random twists and turns while following the young wolf. Soon, we made it to the outskirts of the city. I was shocked. Connor and Hank looked stunned as well.

"Jesus, she really ran this far?" Hank asked.

"Driven by fear, I'm actually not very surprised." Connor said. I didn't care about her running so far away. I just cared about finding her.

"Come on." I said and we kept going. We followed Neo into the forest. There was less fresh snow under the cover of the trees. It looked beautiful. I paused at the word. Beautiful... I felt a pang in my heart again. I pushed it away. No. Not again. I'm not going to crumble again. I will fight for every breath, (Y/n). I won't give in. I kept going. Suddenly, Neo stopped. His nose lifted from the ground and her ears perked up. I watched him, praying he got something. His parents stepped forward. They looked...nervous. 

"What's goin' on?" Hank asked. Connor noticed there wavering stances as well.

"Something's wrong." He said. Suddenly, a deep deadly growl was heard. We all looked around in alarm.

"What the fuck was that?" Hank asked, getting nervous himself.

"I don't know." I said. 

"Everyone, stay alert. We aren't alone." Connor said. Suddenly, I heard Neo howl in terror and pain. I whipped around and I felt terror spread through my body.


Your POV

You groaned as you woke up. Your limbs felt locked in place, were warmer now. You eyes opened and you were met with one of the most horrifying things you'd ever seen. You screamed at the mangled up creation before you.

"N-n-n-n-n-no! W-w-wait! D-don't b-b-be afraid." It's broken voice said to you through the static and glitching that was very evident in it. You stopped.

"W-who are you!? WHAT are you!?" You asked, still scared.

"I-I know I-I-I-I'm not what w-w-w-w-would b-b-b-be considered frie-e-e-endly. M-m-my name is Zala." You began to calm down. The voice was female and now the name confirmed it to be so. It as smooth and there was serenity in it's depths. This...creature looked like it was a type of android. Or had been a type of android. It moved more like a maimed animal. It was forced in a forward leaning position, it's arms broken and bent in strange angles. It's legs locked in an almost raptor like position. The arms were kind of the same way honestly. One eye was missing and the other resembled the eye of a snake. It was blood red, but...somehow it didn't look threatening. The beating blood red was almost...comforting. The skin on its jaw was torn off, given it a more skeletal look. Her teeth were normal aside from the fangs there. While she didn't look like something that wouldn't kill you at first sight, you could tell from her voice she meant no harm. 

"What...what happened to you?" You asked. She sighed. You scanned over her once more. You saw she had long unevenly cut black and and her skin was semi tan. Her clothes were torn and stained with blue blood. You began to feel bad for her.

"I-I-I was an e-experiment-ment. A man took me, a normal d-d-d-d-deviant and turned me i-into this-is-is." She said, her voice jigging up and down as she spoke yet there was a smooth flow underneath the glitching and slight static. "M-my friend and I escaped to-together. The o-o-others split and went their own wa-ways." She explained.

"Who's your friend?" You asked with a small smile.

"H-her name i-is Zora. I-I-I g-gave h-her the name myself-elf." You smiled.

"She sounds nice. I can't wait to meet her!" You said. This is my chance to start a new life. Markus and the others will eventually forget about me. They'll be fine. You thought. 

"Y-y-yes. She i-is the one that found you. I-I'm sure w-when she retur-turns she'll be glad to see you awake-ake."

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