Chapter 48

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Markus' POV

*2 days later*

"You really think you can fix her?" 

"Fix her? I designed her." Kamski replied.

"I thought you left Cyberlife years ago." Connor said.

"I did, but they still ask me for certain things occasionally. I'm not one to deny an extra amount of cash, usually at least." He replied.

"Can we please focus on (Y/n) right now!" I said, desperate to save her. 

"I need her blueprints. Connor, Chloe can take you there. Follow her and retrieve them, please." Kamski said. He nodded and followed Chloe away. "I have to warn you, Markus, Connor has a very clean shot." Kamski said.

"If you can fix her, then try." I said. He sighed.

"As you wish." He replied.

"We have the blueprints, Mr.Kamski." I looked up as Chloe and Connor came back into his 'work room'. I felt uneasy being here, but I knew that Kamski was the only one that would help us right now. The humans had already been evacuated in Detroit and he was the only human with an extensive knowledge on androids for miles.

"Thank you. Now, you all must leave. I need silence in order to work." He told us. I didn't want to leave her and Connor knew this. He took my arm and guided me away. Connor and I didn't speak as we left his house. He had sworn to call us at the first sign of recovery or...anything else. Connor finally broke the silence.

"Markus." I turned. "I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen. I didn't know they were able to control me like that. By the time I could escape from it...I had already made the mistake. I know you will probably never see me the same again and I have no right to ask for forgiveness, but I want you to know I will do whatever it takes to save her." He said. I was surprised by his words, but I already knew it wasn't his fault.

"Connor, this wasn't your fault. I understand that. I know (Y/n) wouldn't want me to resent you. And I don't think I'd do myself any favors if I did anyway. You're still my friend, Connor. I'm not angry at you. I never was." I said. He looked relieved.

"Thank you." He said with a smile. I smiled back a little.

"It's okay, Connor." I told him. He nodded.

"She's strong. She'll pull through. I'm certain of it." He told me. I nodded, hopping he was right. "I understand you don't have a proper place to stay aside from the new Jericho location." He began. I was confused. "I will be staying with Hank from now on. Would you like to join me? I'm sure it will be fine." He said. I smiled and nodded.

"That would be nice." I agreed. He nodded to me and we both climbed into the car. Connor had borrowed Hank's car to get us here. Hank had said he hadn't wanted to see Kamski again and that he didn't like seeing (Y/n) as she was so he let us use it. Connor drove us back to Hank's place and he lead me inside. A dog instantly greeted him as he walked through the door.

"Heh, hello to you as well, Sumo." Connor greeted the animal. I stared at them, a memory flashing inside my head. I no longer saw Connor and Sumo. I saw (Y/n) and her own pets. It felt like something had stabbed me straight through my heart and body. I was so lost in the memory, that I didn't realize I had zoned out. "Markus!" I looked up in shock as I heard Connor's voice again. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"S-sorry I...remember something." I said. Connor seemed to know what I meant.

"Oh. I'm sorry I hadn't realized-"

"It's fine, Connor. You didn't know." I said. He looked concerned as I walked to the couch and sat down, staring at nothing again. He came over and sat down next to me.

"She'll be fine. I know she will." He assured me. I sighed.

"I promised her, Connor." I said. He listened, intrigued by my words. "I promised I'd protect her and take care of her. I promised we'd stay together. I swore on it. I can't lose her, Connor. We won and now she's all the matters to me. I mean, I still care about the others, but...she's just so much more. I just can't lose her." I said. I felt him hug me.

"You won't. I'll make sure of it." He told me. I hugged back.

"Thank you." I said, trying not to cry again.

"Don't thank me, Markus. We'll get her back. That's my promise to you."

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