Chapter 43

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After Connor left, you went to find Markus. You found him talking with the others. You hurried over.

"There you are." North said.

"Sorry. I had to talk to Connor for a minute. What did I miss?" You asked.

"There's a camp inside the city. We're going to do a march and...try to convince the humans to free whoever is inside." Markus said. You nodded.

"So, what direction are we coming from?" You asked.

"Downtown Woodward Avenue. It's the most direct route. We have to show that we aren't looking for a fight." Markus replied.

"Are you sure about this, Markus?" Simon asked.

"It's the only way." He said.

"We have to try." Josh agreed.

"This is suicide, Markus. They'll kill us if we don't fight back. We'll be helpless!" North said.

"If we fight them, we not only risk war we risk the lives of everyone trapped inside." Markus told her. "We have to do this right." North still didn't look happy, but she wasn't going to argue with him. 

"We should leave it a half an hour. If we wait too long we risk everyone inside being dead by the time we get there." You said.

"Right." Markus agreed. "You all have a half an hour to prepare yourselves. Tonight, not matter how this ends, we're going to make history." Markus said. You nodded in agreement. You all split up expect for you and Markus. 

"I know we can do this." You said. "I believe in you, Markus." You told him. He held your hand and you both connected with each other again, your hands going white. You smiled at him lovingly. "I love you, Markus." You told him. He smiled back a little.

"I love you too, (Y/n)." He replied. You both shared a short kiss before parting ways to prepare yourselves with whatever you needed.

You found your pack of three. You pet each of them and they all looked happy to see you. You held them close to you. You looked at Sunny and Neo. Neo was still a pup. You knew he couldn't join you all.

"Sunny, if we don't come back it's up to you to take care of him. I need Arrow to come with us." You said. She whined slightly and she barked in acknowledgement. You smiled and scratched behind her ear. Her tail wagged slightly. You looked at Neo. "You be good to her, okay?" You told him. He yipped, looking strong, proud, and sure of himself. You chuckled. You pet Arrow on his head. "Come on boy. You gotta stay by me now." You told him. He barked and he licked his family goodbye before padding after you. You turned to look at the other two wolves. "If we don't come back, get as far away from the humans as you can." You told them. They both barked and you smiled. "Goodluck you two." You told them softly before walking away with Arrow by your side.

Connor's POV

As  I left I felt worried for (Y/n) and Markus. I knew she cared very deeply about him and he did the same for her, but what if only one of them survived? What then? I would make sure to care for (Y/n) if Markus didn't survive, but Markus...what could I do for him? I would be his friend, but we would never have the same relationship as (Y/n) and I have. I wondered if North would end up replacing (Y/n) if she didn't survive. I doubted it, but she seemed the more likely person to replace her if something like that ever happened.

I pushed my worries away. I had to focus. No matter what happened to them, in order for us to win I had to do this. I had to get this right. I was nervous, I had to admit, but I wouldn't let nerves keep me from helping everyone. I wasn't going to fail. I couldn't fail. I kept going, not stopping for anything. I had to get there fast. I didn't have spare time to waste. The sooner I got there, the better.

I was determined to get this right. I knew I could. I could feel it. (Y/n) and Markus were counting on me. I wasn't going to fail them. Failure wasn't an option. I thought about Hank. I would have to thank him for helping me before when I saw him again. I looked around. I spotted a taxi. I caught it and I began to head to the Cyberlife Tower. I felt my nerves rise, but I forced myself to push them away. I could do this. I was certain of it. I just had to. I breathed in and out. I thought of (Y/n). I remembered how she had treated me. She was never cruel to me. She was special. I smiled a little.

"I will pull through. I promise, sister."

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