Chapter 63

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Markus' POV

I left her with Zala and Zora. I felt so bad. I wanted her to come home, but I had the feeling she wouldn't come back. I knew she'd get upset with me if I tried to go back. She might even leave if I go back. I didn't know what I could do. I missed her. I loved her. I didn't know how to get her back. I wondered if I should've just told her that I loved her. I wanted her to know how much I cared about her. I wanted her to know that I'd do anything for her. I wanted her to stay close to me. I hated this feeling of helplessness. It was the worst feeling aside from the agony I had felt when I thought I had lost her. 

When we finally got back we found Neo asleep on the couch all patched up. I would tell Connor and Hank later. I..I didn't want to talk to anyone. I went to go rest. I needed to at least try to relax. I laid down and I tried to rest, but I couldn't. I just thought about her. Everything we had done together. Everything we had been. I missed that so much. It felt like I was being crushed from the inside. I decided to let my mind wander. I wanted to remember everything about her. I wanted to savor those moments. Even if they were over, the memories would never leave me. I had tears in my eyes, but a smile was on my lips. I knew it right then. If she came back, I was going to tell her. If she didn't...I was still going to try. I remembered how she used to smile at me. I smiled a little more. I closed my eyes. "I love you, (Y/n)." I whispered to nobody as I finally let myself drift off.

Zala's POV

I looked at the two as they rested together. I had a feeling (Y/n) had been through a lot, but now I understood. I wanted to help her, but what could I do? A mangled up android with a huge mangled up wolf as her protector? Its not exactly easy for me to help people. I wished there was more I could do. Then, I got an idea.

"Zora." She lifted her head and came over to me.

"I want y-you to g-g-go to the city. F-f-f-find any new biocomponents t-that you can-an. I would prefer a-a-a-a-a-a-a new voice b-b-box." I said. She nodded and she ran off. You could hear her coming from a mile away if she was running, but she could be as silent as ever if she wanted to be. Hopefully she would be able to find things so I could fix myself up. I knew I wasn't pretty. I felt like what I looked like. I broken monster. I wanted to help, but with the damage I had, it was nearly impossible. If she found new parts for me, maybe I'd be able to do something. I hoped she'd find what I needed. 

Connor's POV

We had taken Neo to his home and now Hank and I were both sitting in his kitchen together. We were both concerned about everything that was going on. I missed (Y/n). I had known this would be a struggle for her, but I didn't think it would get this bad. I wanted her back. I wanted her safe. I wanted her to be happy just as much as Markus did, but the question was how do we accomplish that goal? I wasn't sure. I heard Hank sigh. I looked over at him.

"What the hell is happening, Connor? Everything is goin' to fuck hell all around us, (Y/n) is gone, Markus is miserable, and everyone is helpless to help!" He said, frustrated. I nodded.

"There isn't much we can do, is how it appears." I said. "But we can't give in, Lieutenant. Giving up never got anyone anywhere. I believe if we try everything will be okay in the end." I said.

"Connor, I don't understand you. How can you be so optimistic?" He asked.

"I suppose...being optimistic is better than letting myself fall to grief and pain. Hope is better than nothing." I said. He looked at me.

"Hoping doesn't always make anything better." He grumbled.

"Maybe not, but it does help. A false hope is more disappointing in the end, but I suppose...this isn't over yet. How do we know it's going to turn out badly?" I asked him. "We just have to try." He smiled a little.

"You're right, Connor. Thanks, son." He said. I always felt so happy when he called me that. Hank, even though he had his quirks, was like a father figure to me. I smiled back at him.

"Of course, Hank. It's always great to help."

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