Chapter 37

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Markus' POV

She powered down in my arms. I was terrified. I couldn't lose her. The shot had missed her head, but it had gone through her body. She was bleeding out and horribly damaged. Her right eye was damaged and, if it were possible, it seemed the bang had sent her into a type of shock. I kept running. Soon, I saw the way out up ahead. I jumped with her in my arms, following the others. We splashed into the water. I kept her on my back as I swam with her to the shore. The ship exploded behind us. I didn't care. I got her onto the shore and I quickly scanned her. I was relieved. It wasn't as bad as it looked. It hadn't hit anything that would alter her if we repaired it.  

"We have to get her to somewhere safe, now." I said.

"I know a place we can go. I stayed there before I came to Jericho." Josh said. I nodded. I picked her up again and said,

"Lead the way."

Your POV

*20 minutes later*

You groaned. Your body felt stiff and you were extremely disoriented. You slowly opened your eyes. You felt fear as a blinding light was the first thing that welcomed you back. Where am I? Am I dead? Is that possible? For me to die? Is this heaven, or oblivion? If so, why does my body feel like I was hit 10 times by a truck? Your vision cleared as your surroundings started to make sense. A light was hanging above you. You were on some sort of table. You felt wires in your arms. Your right eye felt weird. You groaned again and you dared to try and sit up. Pain flashed through your abdomen. You gasped at the harsh electric sparks that shot through your system. You free arm that wasn't hooked up to anything shot to your stomach, well, metaphorical stomach. You briefly wondered how that was possible. Androids couldn't feel pain. Right? You wondered. 

Your mind flashed back to the present as the pain grew worse. You shut your eyes again. Suddenly, you heard footsteps. Rushed, frantic sounding footsteps. They stopped next to you. You heard a voice.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n), can you hear me?" You knew that voice. You opened your eyes and came face to face with the very same android who had risked his life to save you and many others. A weak smile tugged at your lips. You struggled to keep it there as your mouth opened to speak. It was one simple word, but it brought you both joy and pain as you forced your voice to work.

"M..Markus..." You breathed. You gasped again as the pain returned quickly. He quickly helped you unhook from everything and helped you sit up. You looked him in his green and blue eyes. You felt joy at seeing him again, even if his eyes were focused hard on you in a concerned expression. You hugged him. He tensed for a second, but then he quickly relaxed and latched onto you.

"Never scare me like that again." He said softly. You smiled.

"No promises, sadly." You replied. He pulled back with a relieved smile on his face. Then he frowned.

"You could've died back there...." He said. You held his hand.

"And you could've died trying to save me. I'm alright, Markus. Promise." You said. He smiled again and nodded. "But..what happened? I thought I got shot in the head." You said.

"No. I was able to direct the shot away from your head, but it hit your center instead. When you fell, you hit the right side of your head on a sharp piece of metal. We had to replace your right eye." He explained.

"So that's why it felt a little weird. Is the color the same?" You asked.

"No, but you can change it to the right color if you like." He said. You thought about it.

"I'll see how it looks first. Anyway, what happened? Where are we now?" You asked.

"We're in another hidden place. We're safe here for now." Markus said. You nodded. Then, you remembered something.

"Is everyone else okay!? Where's Connor!? And Josh, Simon, and North!?" You asked fearfully.

"They're all fine. We made it out okay." Markus said. You calmed down a little.

"What about my wolves?" You asked.

"They're all fine too. Many of our people didn't survive the attack, but many of us made it out alive." Markus said. You nodded. You felt a pang of guilt and responsibility for those you lost, but you forced it away. Now was not the time to pity yourself.

"Well then, what do we do next?"

(Heya guys! I know I've only been posting once a day and I'm sorry about that. I'm trying to get at least one chapter up a day since I need to get back into the swing of things. Also, I got my new schedule, so we all know what that is gonna start up again for me in a few weeks. Uuuuuuugh. Even thinking about it is painful. When it does, I can't promise I'm going to be able to update daily, but I'm going to do my best! For now, I'm trying to get back into writing more often during the day. I just needed a bit to relax and catch up on my stuff after coming back from camp. I hope you all understand. I'll do my best guys! With that said, this is Spiritwing howling a goodbye! Author AHWOOOOOOT!)

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