Chapter 12

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You sat with your wolves. Neo tumbled around happily while Arrow groomed Sunny. Both of them made sure to keep an eye on him. You chuckled at the little pup. Then, you thought of Markus. You sighed. It's for the best. You told yourself.

Soon, Markus came back. You looked up as we walked over to North and Josh who were treating some damaged androids.

"We can't stay silent anymore. It's time humans heard what we have to say." Markus said.

"You know they'll never listen to us." Simon said.

"And revealing ourselves will put us in danger." Josh agreed.

"If we want freedom, we need to have the courage to ask for it. That's the only way." Markus said. You stood up.

"Stay here you three." You said gently. They all stayed together as you went over to join in. "Markus is right. No more hiding. We need to tell humans that it's time they come to terms with who we are." You said. North stood up.

"What do you wanna do?" North asked.

"Channel 16 broadcasts from the Stratford Tower. The control room is on the top floor. That's where we need to go." Markus began. You smiled. This should be exciting. You thought. "We'll plan the operation down to the smallest detail. We can't leave anything to chance." 

"So what's the plan then?" Josh asked. You thought about it.

"A team of two to go into the tower first it probably the best option. It'll be less likely they'll get noticed. There should be fire escapes on every floor up until the very very top. We can't walk in with employee clothing and we can't do anything risky with normal clothes. The rest of us will have to get employee clothing while somebody is left clothing in a secret spot that we know the other person out of the two person team can get to. They can change into it and we'll be all set to get around. We have to be mindful of witnesses though. We may need some help from androids that actually work in the building too. That's why Markus is our best bet for getting inside unnoticed." You said. They all looked impressed by your plan.

"Alright. That's a pretty good start." Markus said. You smiled.

"I'll go with Markus as his second." North said.

"But how are we going to get you in? Two people will look too suspicious." Josh asked.

"The fire escape. I can let North in that way. She can leave the package for me in the men's bathroom. I can change in there." Markus said. You nodded.

"The highest floor you can get to without being noticed is the 47th. Humans work on that floor and there's sure to be a fire escape and bathrooms." You said. "There should also be a maintenance room on that floor. A window will be there that you can go out through. You can get to the lift that way and the rest of us will ride it to the top and meet you both there." They all nodded.

"Sounds good to me." Simon said.

"Me too." North agreed.

"I'm in." Josh said. You all looked to Markus.

"We'll find out as much as we can. We move tomorrow." Markus said. You all nodded. You all split up again and Markus came up to you. "That was really smart. How did you know all that?" He asked.

"I downloaded the blue prints of the tower once you said which one it was." You said.

"You can do that?" He asked. You blushed a little and nodded. He smiled.

"Looks like we're lucky to have you here on our side." Markus said. You smiled.

"I wouldn't chose anybody else." You said. You both got closer together. You wanted to hold his hand, but you forced yourself to look away from him. 

"I should probably see what I can do to get the clothes we need." You said. "I'll talk to you later, Markus." You said with a soft, but slightly sad smile. You walked away and he stood there, staring after you.

Markus' POV

(Y/n) Status: Close

But not close enough. I thought. It made me sad that I couldn't get through to her. She was very nice and she always treated me like I was important to her, but she always turned away at the last second. I didn't know what signs she was giving me anymore. It was really confusing. I went and sat down on a crate. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" I looked up and spotted Simon.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. He sat down next to me.

"Is it about the operation?" He asked.

"No, it's not that." I said. He thought about it.

"It's about (Y/n), isn't it?" He said. I nodded, staring at the floor. "Do you like her?"

"That's just it. I'm not sure how to feel." I said. "And I don't understand how she feels either."

"Just give it time Markus. I'm sure you two will realize how you feel soon enough. I can't really help you, but I do know that you two are a great team and great friends. It'll be fine." He said and then he left. I sighed. I hope you're right.

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