Chapter 19

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You were in your apartment. You were happy, missed your friends. You sighed, thinking of them. You hoped they were all still okay. You wondered when you'd be able to see them again.

You looked out the window. You smiled. You loved the view. You remembered the view at Jericho. You sighed again. Soon, (Y/n). Soon. You told yourself. 

Then, you hears sirens. You looked down. You were stunned. Cop cars pulled up to the building. You were confused at first, but then you realized what was happening. Your eyes shot wide. Your heart was pounding as you saw officers swarming in. They know. You thought. You knew it couldn't have been Hank. Had Connor figured it out? No, he trusts you. You knew that much. Why are you trying to figure this out now!? DO SOMETHING!! You gasped as you realized you had to hide your pets.

"ARROW! SUNNY! NEO! HIDE!!" You screamed. They bolted under the bed and huddled together. 


You had no options. You didn't know what to do. You did have a gun with you. You thought about it.

Shoot your way out?

You grabbed the gun. You got it ready. The first officer came in. You aimed at him before he could react.

"DON'T MOVE!!" You shouted. He froze. You could see the terror in his eyes. You stopped. No...I can't. This isn't right. I can't jeopardize Jericho either. What am I going to do? You thought. You looked at the officer. You knew what you had to do. Markus....I'm sorry. You smiled sadly, accepting the facts. Don't miss me too much. You thought. You dropped the gun and kicked it over to him. "No matter what you think of us, I won't kill anyone in cold blood. We don't want a war. So go ahead, cuff me." You said. He looked completely shocked. You turned around and put your hands behind your back. I'm sorry, Markus. I...won't be coming home. Tears rolled down your eyes, but you kept your soft smile. You felt cuffs on your wrists and you were guided away. You messaged Arrow and Sunny. "Go home when it's safe. Tell Markus what happened if he asks. I don't think he'll need to though. I bet I'm making the news." You chuckled sadly at the end.

Jericho Status: Loved and Remembered

You didn't resist as you were pushed into the back of the car. The door shut and you let the tears fall. You felt the fear and grief wash over you. You would never see them again. You were going to be killed. You thought of Markus again. I wish I could've told you...

North's POV

I was watching the latest news story. I was curious at first, but it turned into concern. As I listened, I began to piece it all together.

"Tonight, an android was found and caught posing as a human FBI agent. They had been living in a hotel and are said to be a spy from the deviant group hiding somewhere in Detroit. Reports from locals say that it is the actual leader behind these attacks. These reports have yet to be confirmed and there are doubts that it has a high rank. There are also doubts that is is even involved with this android group, but there is a substantially high suspicion that this android is indeed involved. There was nobody else found living with it in the hotel room and there is no evidence of other android involvement. Authorities say..." I had to get Markus, I had stopped listening by this point. 

"Markus! MARKUS!!" I yelled. He hurried over, Josh behind him.

"North, what's going on?" Josh asked.

"You both have to see this." I said. They hurried after me. We all watched the rest of it together.

"...Here is an interview with the very officer that busted down that hotel door." The man said. There was another man on screen now.

"I remember being terrified that she was going to shoot me. I wouldn't have been able to do anything quick enough if I had made a move. I...I saw the change in her expression. She...smiled at me. She dropped the gun and kicked it over to me. Her exact words were "No matter what you think of us, I won't kill anyone in cold blood. We don't want a war. So go ahead, cuff me". I didn't know what to do at first, but I saw tears in her eyes. She looked...human. She turned around and put her hands behind her back. I slowly walked over to her and I was still shaking as I guided her away. I don't know why that android spared me...but...she did." He said. I was shocked. Markus however looked heartbroken when a clip of her being pushed into the car was shown. I saw her face. She was crying. She looked scared, but she looked proud of herself.

"Oh my god..." Josh said, just as stunned as me. Markus sat down, covering his face with his hands. We both turned.

"Markus?" I asked, worried.

"......I never should have let her do this...... She's....she's gone..... They're going to kill her.....because of me....." Josh and I looked at each other, concerned for him.

"Markus, you couldn't have known. This isn't your fault." Josh said.

"(Y/n) chose what she wanted to do. But...I told you before. Humans have no remorse for us. She sacrificed herself for our cause. And, once again, she won't be the last." Markus stood up.

"North, (Y/n) just gave her life for our peaceful cause. Don't you dare disrespect her." He said to me. I was stunned. He was calm, and that was what shocked me the most, but I knew he meant it. He left us there and Josh looked over at me. He had nothing to say to me. He left, following after Markus. And just like that, I was alone.

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