Chapter 69

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(WARNING! Mature content ahead! For those who wish to skip there will be more bold warnings later, but there is also important stuff in the chapter, so if you are going to skip, you can read up until a certain point. That's all! Continue.)

He looked shocked. You smiled at him tears in your eyes.

" really remember?" He asked with a hopeful smile. You nodded, laughing slightly. He looked happier than you'd ever seen him before. He hugged you so tight that if you were a human you wouldn't be able to breath. You hugged back. Then, you realized how much you had done.

"M-Markus...I-I'm so sorry for everything that happened. T-that wasn't me... I-I was just so scared and-" He cut you off with a short kiss. You calmed down again.

"It's okay, (Y/n). I still love you. I know it wasn't your fault. It was more main than anything. I should never have pushed you. It's okay though. I'm here now and you're back. You're truly back. I could never ask for anything more. I love you, (Y/n)." He said with a soft smile. You smiled back.

"I love you too, Markus." You replied. He chuckled and kissed you again, more passionately this time. You smiled against his lips. When it broke, he sighed happily. "You have no idea how much I missed you." He said, cupping your cheek. You blushed and smiled at him.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to remember all of this. I feel so much better. I feel complete again." You said. He smiled.

"So do I." He replied. You kissed again, holding each other close. You felt your heart beating in sync with his. You were finally one again.

(Mature starts here! It goes till the end of the chapter.)

Well...almost one at least. He pulled back. You saw the same longing in his eyes. He grinned at you. 

"Let me guess, I'm in for a long night, aren't I?" You asked, already feeling excited for what was to come. He chuckled.

"Are you sure you're truly complete right now, beautiful?" He asked. You chuckled.

"Alright...nearly complete." You replied. He smirked.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He said. He pinned you on the couch. "Because you're mine tonight." He growled. You had to admit, he was hot was he was like this. 

"Don't you think we should go somewhere more comfortable first, Marky~?" You cooed. He chuckled, picking you up bridal style. 

"As you wish, beautiful." He replied and carried you to the bedroom. He gently dropped you onto the soft bed and he loomed over you, encasing your body between his arms and legs. You smiled up at him. He kissed you and you both enjoyed it, taking your time to savor it. There was more love in that kiss than all of the others combined. You hadn't realized how much you'd missed this until then. 

He kissed you harder and the sweetness quickly turned into something more. Your arms wrapped around him. He pulled away soon enough. He grinned at you, eyes darkening with desire. He began to kiss your body, starting at your neck. You took in a shaky breath at the feeling, reviling in how it made your heart leap and your body fill with eager butterflies. He smirked against your neck.

As he left his hot kisses, he began to nibble and lick over the spots as well. You let out a moan, loving the sparks igniting in your body. He soon hit your soft spot. You moaned a little louder. Markus chuckled, knowing he had hit a special spot. He attacked that spot sucking on the soft synthetic skin that was there. He left a mark there and you smiled, your face flushed a bright blue. You could easily get rid of it, but you didn't want to. 

He pulled back to look into your eyes. You smiled back at him, truly happy to be there with him. He looked happy as well. He leaned in and kissed your hungrily, his hands snaking down to your waist. You kissed back as he slipped his hands under your shirt. He rubbed little circles onto your belly for a short moment before ripping the bottom of your shirt. The kiss broke and he pulled it off you. He reached back and unhooked your bra with a simple flick of the wrist. It was tossed away and you giggled.

His hands roamed your body messaging the most sensitive parts, making you moan out for him. He chuckled at your helplessness. Your breath was heavy as your tongue met his again. A battle formed between the two of you as his hands trailed up to your breast. You moaned into this kiss as his thumbs rubbed little circles around the little buds. 

Markus soon won the little war, and he pulled back. You panted as he did. You watched as he took off his own shirt, exposing his chest. You instantly reached out, taking your turn to explore his body, making him groan in reply to your actions. You took a glance down and you could already see the tent in his pants. You decided to see how far you could go. You massaged his body, making him moan. You chuckled. You lifted your head kissing along his collar bone.

After a few minutes of you both taking turns doing this to each other, his hands trailed to the rim of your pants. You watched as he pulled them off you and tossed them away along with your panties. He bent down and his hands tightly gripped your thighs, spreading them apart. You bit your lip in anticipation. He kissed the inside of your thighs, making you whimper impatiently. He chuckled. 

As he made his way to your core, you kept moaning for him, your body practically begging for him at this point. You gasped as you felt him lick your slit. Then, his tongue was inside you. You moaned louder, your hands gripping his broad shoulders and nails digging into them.

"M-Markus~" You moaned his name as you felt him eating you out like never before. You moaned louder, getting closer to your climax. "M-Markus~!" Your hips bucked, trying to get him to go deeper. He did, but his grip grew tighter, holding you down for him. You gasped, feeling yourself so close to breaking. "Ah~! I-I'm gonna-" You didn't have time to warn him. You came and you moaned, panting hard as he gladly swallowed it all. He sat up, grinning at you. 

"You know, I never understood why we were designed like this." He said.

"Me either, but I don't really care as long as I can be with you." You replied. He chuckled.

"Fair enough." He replied. He took off his pants, his member already aching to be inside you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. "Ready, beautiful?" He asked.

"More than ever." You replied. He didn't need to be told twice. He entered you. You both moaned together, enjoying the feel of being connected like that once again. He gave you a moment to adjust. You nodded to him and he began to rock his hips against yours. You moaned and he groaned. After a moment, you found the strength to move against him. He went deeper and you laid your head back, moaning louder. "A-ah~! M-Markus...fuck!" You cursed. He went faster, thrusting into you harder. You cried out at the feeling. He groaned again. 

His hands let go of your waist, grabbing onto your legs. He put them on his shoulder and fucked you harder. You screamed as he went deeper into you, hitting your sweet spot. He kept hitting that spot, getting faster and faster. You were screaming his name along with strings of swears. You was groaning and moaning your name along with muttering curses under his breath. You were close again. He was too. You could feel it. He picked up his pace again, going faster than any human could. You clutched onto him tightly shutting your eyes tight at hi actions. 

"(Y-Y/n)...f-fuck~ I love you." He said. He was getting very close, losing all composure as he began to babble the words over and over again. "I love you. I love you!" You felt yourself break as you came.

"MARKUS~!!" You screamed. You tightened around his and he moaned loudly as it sent him over the edge.

"(Y/n)~!!!" He didn't stop until he had given you complete pleasure. He pulled out of you and laid down next to you, both of you breathing hard. You cuddled into his arms as he pulled you in, giving your forehead a sweet kiss.

"That was...perfect~" You breathed. He chuckled.

"Agreed." He replied. "Let's get some rest, love." You yawned and nodded, beginning to power down.

"I love you, Markus." You whispered.

"I love you too, (Y/n)." He replied before you both drifted off to sleep.

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