Chapter 68

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You woke up the next morning and yawned. You smiled. Zora woke up, her jaws stretching wide in her own yawn. You chuckled.

"Morning Zora." You greeted. She barked happily, tail wagging. You smiled at her. You got up and noticed the fire had died out. It made sense. You had only gotten so much wood. Then, you saw Zala and Ralph come down. You smiled at the two of them. "Morning Zala! Morning Ralph!" You greeted happily. Ralph smiled and Zala looked like she was smiling. It wasn't hard to tell thanks to her eyes, but the bandanna did make it a bit difficult.

"Morning, (Y/n). Sleep well?" She asked.

"Yep! Did you?" You asked, a hint of tease in your voice. Both of their faces burst out blue. You giggled. "I'll take that as a yes." You said, deciding to give them a break. You understood them wanting to be together like that. After a long time apart, you would've wanted to as well. Wait...what? I've never even BEEN in a relationship. You thought. You shook it off. You focused back on the two of them. 

"R-Ralph will go look for more wood while you both go to see Markus." Ralph said. You felt uneasy. You didn't know if that was still the best option, but you knew you couldn't avoid it. You nodded with a smile.

"Sounds good! It was nice to meet you Ralph! If you both ever wanna come visit, that would be great!" You invited. They both smiled.

"Of course! Thank you for the invitation." Zala said. You chuckled.

"Anytime!" You replied. 

"Well, we better get going! We'll be back soon, Ralph." Zala said, pulling down the bandanna and kissing his cheek. He smiled warmly at her. That look...there was something about it. Why do I feel like I've seen it before? You wondered. You pushed it away. 

Zala came over to you with a smile and you both hopped on top of Zora. You waved goodbye to Ralph and he waved back to you. The three of you headed out and you smiled as the city rushed past you as you all hurried along. You almost forgot the uneasy feeling in your stomach. 

Soon, you arrived. You hopped off and said goodbye to Zala and Zora. They both said goodbye to you as well, each in their own way of course. Then, they took off. 

You turned, staring at the house looming over you. You sighed. You forced your legs to work as you headed up toward the door. It opened as it unlocked for you. You stepped inside and looked around. Everything looked the same so far. You heard the familiar clicking of claws as the wolves hurried to greet you. You yelped as they tackled you to the ground. You laughed as they licked you happily, welcoming you back home.

You got up after they were done with their bombardment. You looked around, expecting Markus to come, but he never did. You turned to the wolves.

"Where is he?" You asked.

"He was called in again. More discussions with the other androids. He's been really struggle to handle it all lately." Arrow replied. You frowned. You decided to make him feel better. You began going around the house, setting it up for a sweet movie night. You hoped he wouldn't mind. You wanted to help him. He had tried so hard to help you and you had stupidly rejected him. It was the least you could do to say sorry to him. Now all I have to do is wait for him to get home.

Markus' POV

I got home late that night. I was still struggling to handle everything. Is was so much harder without (Y/n) there. I needed her so badly. I was falling apart like this and my guilt and regrets were only making it worse. I was going to head straight to bed, but The wolves ran up to me, barking like crazy. I was confused, but I was in no mood to care.

"Guys, stop. I'm too exhausted for this." I muttered to them. They didn't let up I groaned. "What? What could you possibly need? I fed you already Neo. Are you hungry again?" I asked. Suddenly, Arrow bit down on my sleeve and I yelped as he yanked me along, Sunny and Neo gently headbutting me along as well. "What has gotten into you three-" I cut off as I got to the living room. I stood there in shock and the wolves quickly padded off. 

She looked nervous as she gave me a small smile and a wave. I couldn't move. I was too shocked to register what I was seeing.

"Heh, hey Markus." She said. I ran up to her and hugged her. I held onto her so tight I considered the thought that I might crush her. To my surprise, she hugged back. "Markus...I'm sorry." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't want to believe that you were only trying to help. My doubts and demons got the better of me. I'm so sorry, Markus. Will you...forgive me?" She asked. I smiled at her.

"I will always forgive you." I said. She smiled at me. 

"I set up a movie night for us to try and make up for it." She said. I chuckled. 

"I like the sound of that." I said. She might not have gotten her memories back, but she was still here with me. It was so much better than nothing. I sat down with her and we cuddled a little as we watched the movie. It was perfect for awhile, until she spoke again.

Your POV

"Markus?" He looked at you. "Do you...hate me?" You asked.

"What? No. I could never hate you, (Y/n)." He replied. You sighed.

"Then why can't you tell me?" You asked him. He looked a little upset for a second.

"I..I just can't tell you flat out, (Y/n). It doesn't work like that." He replied. You didn't understand.

"Can you at least tell me why you can't revive my memory?" You asked. He sighed.

"No. I can't." He said. You became upset.

"Why not?" You asked, sounding more angry than you had intended. 

"Because of certain reasons!" He responded, getting upset himself.

"What reasons!? Why does everything have to be secrets with you!?" You yelled standing up.

"It's not secrets, I'm trying to protect you!" He said, standing up as well.

"Protect me from what!? My past!? If you're trying to keep me safe for that, why  do you want me to remember so badly!?" You yelled.

"I'm not trying to hide your past, (Y/n)!"

"Then WHAT IS IT!? What is so important to keep from me!? Why are you holding back!?" You yelled. Something about that sentence set him off. You glared at him. "What nothing to say anymore-" He cut you off, kissing you hard. You were shocked. Suddenly, you felt it. You had that same feeling in your chest. You knew this feeling. You had been in this situation before. You finally understood. We were in love. That's why he wanted to protect me. In an instant everything came flooding back. Jericho, Connor and Hank, the jail, escaping the exploding ship, the final stand, the gunshot, and every moment you had ever spent together with him. You felt tears lining up in your eyes. Markus...loves me. You kissed back. And I love him. You pulled away after a second. He looked at you, confused by your change in behavior.

"(Y/n)?" He asked, unsure of what to do. You smiled at him.

"M-Markus...I remember. I remember everything."

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