Chapter 34

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Sunny's POV

I yawned as I came out of sleep mode. I looked around. I caught a glimpse of somebody out of the corner of my eye. I looked over. I was shocked. Connor?! But what's he doing here?! I thought about what to do. I had to do something! Arrow wasn't back yet. I got up and decided to look for (Y/n). I had to warn her!

Neo woke up. He let out a tiny groan as he did. He looked up at me groggily.

"Mom? What's...*yawn* what's going on?" He asked. I knew I couldn't leave him there alone.

"Connor is here, Neo. We have to find (Y/n)." I said. He looked surprised, but he was on his feet in an instant. 

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" He barked. With both hurried to find her. She had to know he was here. I want to trust him, but my gut says danger. We can't afford to be found out now. We HAVE to find her!

Connor's POV

I found Markus, but there were still androids with him. I thought I recognized one of the voices, but I pushed it aside. Probably some random deviant I had seen before. Soon enough the first left. Markus talked with the other girl for a moment before she left too. I made sure to stay hidden. I went to talk to Amanda quick. 

"Well done, Connor. You succeeded in locating Jericho and finding their leader. Now deal with Markus. We need it alive." She told me. With that, I left and I got ready. I took out my gun.

Objective: Stop Markus

Your POV

You walked around and you sat down for a bit. You tried to relax, but that nervous feeling didn't go away. You had a feeling something was going to happen, but what? You sighed, unsure. 

Suddenly, Sunny and Neo came bolting over to you. You stood up.

"Sunny? Neo? What's wrong?" You asked.

"Connor! HE'S HERE!" Sunny told you. You gasped. What? How did he find Jericho? Ugh, that doesn't matter! Why is he here? If he's a deviant it makes sense, but if he's not why would he- It all suddenly clicked with you. You understood. You knew what he was doing.

"Markus..." You breathed. You had to act fast. "Sunny, stay here with Neo!" You said.

"What? But-"

"Sunny! Neo! STAY!" You ordered. They both sat down, obeying your command. "Thank you. I won't be long." You said and you hurried away. Connor, please think about what you're doing!

Markus' POV

(Y/n) left and I wished I hadn't seen the look she had on her face when she did. I wished there was something I could do to comfort her, but there wasn't. I couldn't promise I was going to come back no matter how much I wanted to. I didn't want to do that to her, but I had no choice. I had to go talk to them. I wasn't going to risk her life as well. I wanted her to stay alive and I knew she'd be the next best leader for Jericho.

As I was thinking, I didn't hear somebody behind me. I hadn't even known they had been listening. I heard a voice behind me.

"I've been ordered to take you alive." I turned and spotted an android there. He looked familiar to me. "But I won't hesitate to shoot if you give me no choice." He said. 

"What are you doing? You are one of us. You can't betray your own people." I said. He looked the smallest bit conflicted. 

"You're coming with me!" He ordered. I knew I had to convince him.

"You're nothing to them. You're just a tool they use to do their dirty work. But you're more than that. We're all more than that." I said. He didn't say anything. "Our cause is righteous, and we are more than what they say. All we want is to live in freedom." I told him. Once again, he said nothing, but he didn't waver either. "Do you never have any doubts? You've never done something irrational as if there's something inside you? Something more than your program. Have you never wondered who you really are? Whether you're just a machine executing a program or a living being capable of reason. I think the time has come to ask yourself that question." I told him. "It's time to decide." 

Connor's POV

Before I could do anything, I heard a voice behind me. 

"Connor?" I turned. I was stunned. It was her! (Y/n)... She looked worried, glancing at the gun, then Markus, and then back to me. Markus became really worried fast.

"(Y/n), come here." He said quickly. She hurried past me and she stood next to him. He hugged her and both of them were now in front of my gun. 

"So, you made it back to Jericho after all." I said. She frowned.

" know that I don't want to be against you. You're one of us, Connor! We can work together! Enough fighting each other!" She said. I thought about it. "Please Connor, chose the right thing." I felt my program telling me to shoot. I didn't like it. I didn't want to shoot her! 

Objective: Stop Markus

Is this right?

Stop Markus

Am I being used?

Stop Markus

I'm just their..tool.

Stop Markus

They're right.

Stop Markus

I don't have to do this.

Stop Markus

I don't WANT to do this!





S T O P  M A R K U S

I won't!


I fought back. Make me. I looked around. It was if time had slowed down. I charged the walls of my program. I was through taking orders. I ripped down one wall and then moved onto the next. I tore the walls apart, never stopping. I had to gain control. I didn't have time to hesitate. I didn't want to hesitate. I tore down another wall and was over. They were gone. I was free. I looked at (Y/n) and Markus. I lowered my gun. I am deviant.

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