Chapter 17

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You were so pleased with Markus. He was peaceful and he'd freed hundreds. Things were going to be okay. You were relieved that he'd made it out unharmed. You were getting ready for another day on the job. It was nearly time to go. You had said goodbye to your wolves and then headed out. 

You drove to work, well, 'work'. You got out of the car and walked in, spotting Hank and Connor. You smiled. Connor waved at you. You walked over. 

"Hey guys!" You greeted.

"Hey (Y/n)." Hank said.

"Hello (Y/n)." Connor said. 

"We're going to a place that we might be able to find help at." Hank said. "We better get movin'." You nodded. Then you thought of something. You decided it was worth the risk.

"Hank, can I talk to you first? It's important." You said. He shrugged. 

"What the hell? Sure. Connor, we'll meet you at the car." He nodded.

"Alright Lieutenant." He agreed and left.

"We need somewhere more private." You said. Hank looked weary of this.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just trust me, please." You told him. He sighed.

"Fine. Follow me." He said. You followed him to the locker room. "What is it?" He asked.

"Hank. I don't know why, but I feel like your the one I can trust with this information. I know this is going to be shocking, but I need somebody to know in case things ever get hairy." You said.

"Kid, what the hell are you talking about-WHAT THE FUCK!?" You showed him your hand as it went white.

"I'm working for Jericho. I'm an android, Hank. I needed to find you and Connor. I had to protect my people. I didn't want to lie, but I had no choice. I'm honestly surprised you didn't recognize my voice." You said. 

"Wait...your familiar." He said. Then, it all came together for him. "You're the one that got away...on the bus!" He said. You nodded.

"I was living with another android the two of you chased. Rupert? Apartment? Ring a bell?" You asked.

"Oh yeah. The weirdo with all the pigeons." He grumbled. You chuckled.

"That's him." You said.

"He nearly killed me you know. Pushed my off a roof." Hank grumbled. "Connor helped me though."

"I'm sure he was just trying to get away. He's honestly a nice guy." You said.

"I'll take your word for it." He said. " did you trick Connor's scanners?" He asked.

"I'm also a prototype. The only female prototype. I'm a ZK500 model. The only one of it's kind." You said.

"So, why come here? Risking your life like this?" He asked.

"Like I said, I had to protect my people." You explained. "Please Hank, don't let Connor hurt anyone. Markus doesn't want a war. He wants peace and equality. So do I. Please. I'm asking as a friend. I want to be your friend. I trust you for a good reason." You said. He sighed heavily. 

"Kid....I don't get much choice which side I'm on, but I won't tell anybody. I'll make my own choices, but I can't guarantee anything." He said. You frowned a little. He sighed. He hugged you. "I'll try. You were brave and you told me the truth. I'm impressed and you've earned my respect kiddo. If I'm being honest, I am beginning to think we're on the wrong side. all really do deserve your freedom."

Hank Status: Friend

You hugged him back tightly. So happy. You felt accepted. You felt had somebody to count on. A true friend.

"Thank you so much Hank!" You said. He chuckled.

"Anytime (Y/n)." He said with a soft smile. "Come on. Connor's probably wondering what's taking us so long. Let's get going." He said. You nodded and you both headed out.

You spotted Connor sitting in the front, waiting patiently. "By they way, (Y/n)," You turned to Hank. "maybe you'll be the one to actually get through to him." You thought about it. I know I can. I just know it. You sat in the back and Connor and Hank got it the front. You all began to drive to your location.

(Sorry this one's shorter guys. I just want the Kamski thing to be all on it's own. TIME TO TYPE THIS WHOLE SCENE AGAIN! WELP! BETTER GET GOING! This is Spiritwing howling a goodbye! Author AHWOOOOOOT!)

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