Chapter 51

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Markus' POV

*3 days later*

I walked to where Eric had told me to go. I found who I was looking for. I felt my heart sink at the sight. He had been so sick and so old. I should've known it was going to happen sooner rather than later.

I stood in front of the grave, feeling more grief pile onto my heart. Carl was always good at giving advice. He had taught me everything I know. I wished it hadn't had to end this way. I wish I could've been able to ask him what to do next, it was to late. Still, if he could hear me, or if he was listening, I wanted to ask him.

"Carl...we won. I thought things were...finally going to get better, but...I was wrong. (Y/n)...she doesn't remember us and I don't know what to do. I can't force her to remember and if I do I could lose her forever. Everything was going to be alright, but now (Y/n) is lost, I don't know what to do, I have nobody to help me figure out what to do next. I...I need your help Carl. I don't know what to do." I said. Silence surrounded me as a reply. I frowned and hung my head sadly. "I already miss you, Carl. I..I already miss you so much. Why do these things keep happening to me, Carl? I wish you could answer that question for me." I said. I stayed there for a little while longer before leaving. Eric had said that Carl had actually put me in his will. I had been shocked, but with no place to go I had to take what Carl had given me. 

I traveled back to Carl's house, now my house. He had given me possession over the home, and most of his belongings. Leo had gotten nearly all of Carl's money though, so at least he wouldn't come after me.

I walked in and I looked around. I remembered every day I had spent here. All the times we had been together. Carl had always been so good to me. This gave me one more reason to thank him. I had wanted to get some new furniture items though. I...I couldn't bare keeping some of them. I didn't feel like I deserved the same bed as Carl had. I had gone to some of my people and one of them had said he knew where he could get an entire new bed for me. I had thanked him for it.

I sat down in the chair at the chess table. I remember the game we had played together earlier the same day I had been forced into the dump. I sighed. I was truly lost. 

"You okay, Markus?" There was one person who had offered to come with me to stay there though. I hadn't wanted to be alone in such a big house, so...she had come with me. I looked over at (Y/n) and she came over to me.

"Yeah..I'm alright." I told her.

"Do you miss him?" She asked. I nodded.

"Very much so." I replied. She hugged me. I smiled a little. She was still the same android I knew at least. 

"It'll be okay. I'm sure he would want you to be happy." She told me. I nodded.

"I know. You're probably right." I told her. She smiled.

"Of course I am! Now come on, you should relax for a bit. I wanna go visit Connor and Hank again. I'll be back later, okay?" I nodded as she guided me to the couch. I was sleeping there for now until I figured out what I wanted to do with Carl's room. I knew I shouldn't have felt bad about making it my own, but I couldn't help it. I felt like I was being selfish, just changing it so that way I wouldn't have to use any of Carl's things. Just so I wouldn't remember every time I looked at it. (Y/n) said goodbye to me and headed out. I called a goodbye after her. I sighed once she was gone. I closed my eyes, hoping some rest would help. Androids didn't really 'sleep', but we did have a type of sleep mode. I tried to relax and soon enough, I had gone into sleep mode. I felt my systems power off temporarily as I drifted away from the world around me.

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