Chapter 35

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You watched as Connor lowered his gun. You smiled. He's one of us. You hurried up to him and hugged him. He hugged back.

"I knew you were one of us." You said. He smiled a little.

"I...I couldn't shoot my family." You pulled back, stunned. "You really are like a big sister." He said, semi embarrassed. Then, his face fell. "They...they're going to attack Jericho!" He said suddenly.

"What?" Markus asked. You heard something fly overhead. You felt fear.

"It's them..." You whimpered.

"We have to get out of here!" Connor said.

"Shit." Markus cursed and hurried out. He took your hand and Connor quickly hurried after you both. It was in that moment you realized...all hell was about to break loose.

Sunny's POV

I heard something fly over the ship above us. I was confused at first. Then...I knew what was happening.

"Mom? What's going on?" Neo asked.

"Run." I said.


"GO! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE! QUICK!" I shouted. I sounded the alarm. I howled as loud as I could. Androids all around looked at me in horror. I kept barking frantically trying to get them to move. They understood my frantic behavior. They scattered, running for their lives in different directions. There's only so much we can do for them now. I thought. I turned to Neo. "Come on! Quickly!" I barked and we bolted into one of the many halls of the ship.

Arrow's POV

I was still outside, looking for food. Suddenly, I saw aircrafts fly overhead. I was stunned. Why are they patrolling with such heavy duty- I froze. They were heading in the direction of Jericho. Sunny...Neo....(Y/n)....everyone! I bolted back to Jericho as fast as I could. I had to help them. I just had to.

Your POV

You were running through the ship with Markus and Connor. You kept running as fast as you could. Suddenly, you met up with North.

"They're coming from all sides. Our people are trapped in the hold, they're going to be slaughtered!" She said. Markus quickly messaged all the androids in Jericho.

"There are exits on the second and third floor. Find them and jump in the river!" He said. "Where's Simon? A-and Josh?" He asked.

"I don't know, we got separated." North replied.

"They're coming from the upper deck now too, we'll be caught in the crossfire." Markus said.

"We have to run, Markus! There's nothing we can do!" She told him.

"We have to blow up Jericho." Markus said.

"What?!" You exclaimed.

"If the ship goes down, they'll evacuate and our people can escape!" He said.

"You'll never make it! The explosives are all the way down in the hold, there are soldiers everywhere!" North said.

"She's right." Connor added. "They know who you are. They'll do anything to get you."

"Go and help the others. I'll join you later." Markus said.

"Markus!" North started to argue.

"I won't be long!" He insisted. You were stunned.

"Markus wait!" You said. You latched onto him, hugging him tightly. " careful." You told him. He hugged back for a few seconds before gently pushing you off him.

"I won't be long." He repeated strongly. You smiled a little and nodded. Before you three could hurry off, Markus grabbed Connor's arm. The two men made eye contact. "Take care of her." Connor nodded back at him and Markus let go. You felt that statement had a lot more weight to it than either of them wanted to show. You couldn't think about that. Now all you could do was run.

Arrow's POV

"SUNNY! NEO!!" I shouted. 

"There! It's one of the mutts!"

"Shoot it!" I gasped as a bullet whipped past my head. I saw soldiers up ahead. I turned to run, but there were more coming from that way too. I growled. I summoned all my strength and courage. I turned, fangs bared and claws at the ready. I shot forward, my legs pumping powerfully. They both seemed stunned at my sudden charge. The element of surprise gave me that much more of an advantage. I leaped and my fangs sunk deep into the leather of there suit. I tore it open and raked my claws down his chest. Blood covered the bottom of my paw and his limp body. The other took aim at me. I jumped, the bullet flying by under me. I landed and dodged more of his shots. I knocked his legs out from under him. He fell face first onto the ground. As he rolled over, I pinned him and snapped my jaws shut around his mask. I heard him scream in terror. I didn't care. I snapped his neck. He stopped moving. I got off him. 

I had to find Sunny and Neo. I was running out of options. I decided it was worth the risk. I howled as loud as I could. I listened. I heard another howl. Sunny! I hurried on, following her howl. I'm coming.

(GUESS WHO'S BACK FROM CAMP YALS!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S RIGHT! I'M HOME!! camp but the entire ride home I was like, ARE WE THERE YET?! ARE WE THERE YET?! ARE WE THERE YET?! Can not WAIT to get back into this! Plus I get to start of with the adrenaline junky chapter! YAS MATES! I'M BACK AND RARIN' TO GO! EXPECT BIG THINGS CAUSE IT'S ABOUT TO GET WILD! SPIRITWING13 IS BACK!!!! But now, she's howling a goodbye for this chapter! Author AHWOOOOOT!

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