Chapter 9

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You and North lead the way to the warehouses. It was raining, but hopefully that would help cover you all. You glanced back at Markus, Simon, and Josh. Hopefully, between the five of you, you could all grab enough supplies.

Soon enough, you made it. You and North peeked over the edge to see if anybody was around. It was all clear. You climbed up, the boys following you.

"This is crazy! If they catch us, we're dead!" Josh said.

"That's what makes it interesting." You joked. He just sighed, still not happy about this.

"What do we do now?" Simon asked.

"We need to find the Cyberlife warehouse. That's where they keep the spare parts and the blue blood." Markus said. 

"Follow me." North said. 

"Right behind you." You said. You all hurried along. You and North took the lead as Markus covered the rear leaving Simon and Josh in the middle. You heard voices up ahead.

"Don't let them see us." Simon said, using his telepathic communication system. You all kept going. You and North stopped as you saw humans. Markus hadn't seen them. You grabbed his arm and pulled him into cover.

"Careful!" You warned. He hid beside you as they walked by.

"Now what do we do?" Josh asked.

"I'll find another way." North replied, their LEDs flashing yellow. You saw her climb up a metal crate.

"Can't go through so go over." You said. You heard Markus chuckle a little. You all followed after her. Leaping over crates, hopping down from them, and then climbing back up others. Soon enough, you came to a stop.

"Cyberlife warehouses. They have everything we're looking for." Simon said.

"First, we have to get rid of that drone." North said. 

"Leave it to me." Markus replied. You watched and he climbed up a crate, jumped and latched onto another, swung over to the drone, and took it down. You all hopped down.

"You okay?" Simon asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Markus replied.

"Good job, Markus." North said. You walked over to him.

"That was...impressive." You said, blushing a little. He smiled a little.

"Thanks, (Y/n)." He replied. You all hurried over to the crates.

"Quick, open the other crates and fill your bags. Take as much as you can!" Simon said. He couldn't shout out loud or somebody would've heard him. You all hurried over and began taking what you could from the crates. You turned and spotted an android. You froze. Oh shit... You all stopped and he looked at you.

"You are trespassing on private property. Your presence constitutes a level 2 infraction. I will notify security." You grew alarmed.

"JOHN!!" You heard a man yelling. "God damn machine! Where is it this time?" You all quickly hid. Markus grabbed John and covered his mouth, hiding him as well. Markus let John go after a moment. He stepped out. You were nervous, but you trusted Markus had a reason behind his actions. "There you are! What the hell are you doing?" The man asked. 

"I was...inspecting the platform. Everything is in order." John said. 

"Good. Then I'm going back to the control station, I'm soaked. Take the drone to maintenance and make a report." The man said.

"Understood." John replied. He left and you sighed in relief.

"Well...that could've gone worse." You pointed you.

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