Chapter 55

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You sat on the couch, trying to remember more about Markus. Why was it so hard? You groaned in frustration. Markus was out at the moment, talking to North, Josh, and Simon. With him being the leader of the androids, they needed him to help make some decisions about certain things. 

You stood up and you began to pace. You anger was getting to you. You hated the feeling all this gave you. You were frustrated and the struggle was beginning to become unbearable. You stormed out back to the garden area. You needed some way to calm yourself down. 

As you were pacing you spotted a strong looking tree. You decided to try it. You walked up to it and balled your hand into a fist. You gave it everything you got and punched it. You splintered the bark. You were stunned the the amount of power in your punch, but you felt a spark of electricity flow through your body. You grinned. You did it again. You kept going and going. 

Suddenly, one of the punches did something else. You saw blue splattered in the tree trunk. You looked at you hands. They were both damaged pretty bad. You were stunned. How did I not notice this? You became fearful. You knew Markus would be upset if he saw your broken hands.

You hurried inside and looked around for something to help you hide them. You dug through some things and you found a pair of thin gloves. You went to wash off your hands. Once the blue blood was gone you went to put the gloves on. You heard the front door open. 

"(Y/n)! I'm home!" You panicked. You ran back to the gloves and hurriedly shove them on. You heard footsteps. "(Y/n)?" You turned and spotted Markus there. 

"O-oh, hey Markus. Sorry, I was just looking for something." You lied. He looked skeptical. 

"What were you looking for?" He asked.

"Uh, nevermind. I found it. It's nothing important." You lied, hoping he wouldn't see right through your act. He still looked uncertain, but he nodded.

"Okay..." He said. "Well, do you want to do something together?" He asked.

"U-um, sure! What were you thinking?" He asked.

"I wanted to see if you could paint like Carl taught me." He said. You smiled and nodded, relieved your plan had worked. I'll have to see if Kamski can fix my hands later.

Markus' POV

She was acting weird, but I decided not to push it. I lead her into the studio and I grabbed the paints and a blank canvas. She walked over to me. I handed her a brush.

"Go on, try it." I invited. She nodded. You looked at the canvas for a second before starting. I watched her, interested. I hoped she could do it. Plus, if she dug deep into her mind, maybe that focus would help her remember. 

When she finished I noticed that her painting was kind of darker, but I remembered something when I looked at it. I remembered that she had been in jail before. Her painting was of a hand with a handcuff on it. I wondered if she had remembered something.

"Why did you paint that?" I asked. She shrugged.

"I don't know, I just...had the idea." She said. I frowned a little. Maybe the memory was there, but just out of her reach. I decided to test it.

"It seems like you symbolized being in prison. Do you remember anything about that?" I asked. She sighed.

"Like I can remember anything." I heard her mutter. I was stunned. She never acts like this. I grabbed her hand to comfort her, but as soon as I did she yanked it away, looking alarmed. I was shocked.

"(Y/n) calm down." I told her.

"I-I don't want you to do that." She said. I could tell she was hiding something. I took her wrist and I noticed that she had gloves on.

"Why are you wearing those?" I asked.

"No reason! I just liked them." She said, trying to pull her arm away. I wasn't falling for it. I took off the glove and I was shocked. Her hand was badly damaged. I was surprised she could still use it.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" I asked.

"Because I can take care of myself!" She snapped. I pulled back, startled by her anger.

"(Y/n) I'm just trying to help." I said.

"No! You're obsessing over me! I'm not helpless! I can handle my own problems!" She growled. I was shocked and hurt. This wasn't (Y/n). This was what she was turning into. I had been so focused on trying to get her to remember that I had forgotten about what I should have been doing.

"(Y/n), listen to me. I'm sorry I've been trying to push you to remember. I want to help you, but I see now that I'm making it worse. Please, calm down. It's okay." I told her. 

"Oh really!? It's fine that I don't remember shit and that I'm hurting everyone else because of it!? Yeah! I'm sure everything is just fabulous!" She snapped. I saw the tears beginning to form in her eyes. 

Stress Levels: 78%

I grew worried. What could I say? She wasn't listening to me. I had to think of something! I got an idea. 

"You're hurting yourself more than anyone else, (Y/n). You have to calm down." I told her. She began to relax. I saw the guilt in her eyes.

"M-Markus...I'm sorry... I don't understand. Why can't I remember?" She whimpered. I hugged her.

"Shh...calm down. It's gonna be fine." I told her. "Even if you don't remember we still care about you, (Y/n). I still care about you." I told her. She sniffed back her tears.

"I'm scared..." She whimpered. I held her tighter.

"It's gonna be alright. You can't stress over it so much. You'll only hurt yourself even more. Now, come on. Let's go get you fixed up." I said. She nodded, calming down.


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