Chapter 61

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Connor's POV

I had never seen anything like it. It looked like something from a horror movie. It was only a little smaller than a horse, at least twice the size of Arrow.

"" Markus asked in horror.

"That's somethin' straight out of a fuckin' nightmare!" Hank said. Neo scrambled away from it. I saw that it had scratched his side. With Neo still not fully grown, an injury like that would effect him more than Arrow and Sunny, if the two were actually real wolves. I couldn't make all of the creature out thanks to it having dark black fur. It was still in the shadows of the trees. For it being so big, it was fairly good at stealth. Sunny and Arrow growled at it, protecting their pup. It came out into the light and I was even more horrified.

 It came out into the light and I was even more horrified

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I scanned it, trying to find out as much as I could. My scanner glitched out.

Model: !#$%^*

Threat Level: 10/10


I was stunned. It raised its head, making it a quarter foot taller than all of us. If it laid down straight it would probably be 12 feet long! It growled at us before screeching a deafening cry. It sounded metallic, higher pitched, and extremely glitchy. It was like a lion's roar mixed it with broken screeching.

"Holy shit!" Hank exclaimed. It bent down low. It was going to tackle us!

"Run!" Markus yelled. It pounced as we bolted. We stopped dead in our tracks and it leaped over us! It turned, growling and glaring at us. Where there was supposed to be white in it's eyes were blood red. The inner part was a glaring yellow with the pupil center being a teal-ish blue.

Sunny and Arrow barked at it after leaping in front of us. It reared up, standing 7 feet tall. Arrow, however, saw this as an opportunity. He charged it and hit it square in its chest area. It screeched and fell backward. It landed with a loud thud. Sunny atacked it's metal neck, her fangs sinking into it. It let out another roar and shook her off. It got back up, the snow sticking to it's back. It screamed at us, clearly angry now. Suddenly, another screeching call was heard from the direction it came from. It glared at us and charged through us, running after the sound. 

We were left staring after it, too stunned to move. That could've killed us...but it just ran away? I wondered if there was more than one. Had the other call been a possible sibling or mate of the creature? I couldn't be sure.

"What the fuck was that!?" Hank yelled.

"I don't know." I answered. "We have to get Neo home. He's losing blood. The scratch isn't deep, but it's enough to cause damage if we wait to long." I said, picking up the injured wolf.

"But what about (Y/n)?" Markus asked. 

"We'll have to come back tomorrow, Markus." Hank said.

"The tail will be gone by then." I said.

"We split up. You two go home with Neo. I'll take Sunny and Arrow and keep looking." Markus said. We knew he wouldn't back down. We nodded and left the three of them. I hoped they wouldn't run into that creature again.

Your POV

Zala had called for Zora to return home. Her call was unpleasant to listen to, but it was brief at least. Zala walked back over to the fire that was there.

"Are y-your biocompenents defrosted-ed yet?" She asked. You moved them and nodded.

"Yes. They're fine now." You said. She tried to smile at you.

"Th-that's good. I-I-I bet Zora will be h-home soon." She said. You smiled.

"Is Zora like you?" You asked.

"I-in ways, yes." Zala replied. Suddenly you heard loud thudding coming closer to the cave you were in. You looked toward the entrance. You saw something huge coming toward you both. "Ah, th-there she i-i-is." Zala said. You were shocked. It was a huge monstrous creature. It resembled a mangled wolf that was a bit too large. You were stunned by her appearance. Zala walked over to her and pet her head. She let out a low growl. It resembled more of a purr than a hostile warning. 

"That's Zora?" You asked, standing up.

"Sh-she may look scary, b-but she is very friendly-y. T-the only reason s-she is d-dangerous, i-i-is because s-she is p-protective-ive of me." Zala explained. You looked at the big creature. You smiled. You pet her head and she made the same purr like growl noise again. You smiled a little more.

"I think she's perfect." You said. Zala smiled and Zora's 4 foot long tail wagged happily. Her eyes also displayed joy at your words. Her jaws opened and she licked your cheek. You chuckled at her. She wasn't that scary once you saw the gentle side of her. You hugged her. "It's nice to meet you, Zora." You said. She let out a type of bark and you smiled.

"I-I think she li-ikes you." Zala said. You chuckled.

"Good. Cause I like her too!"

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