Chapter 52

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You arrived at Connor and Hank's. You had come to learn that Connor was like a son to Hank and that he had deviated when Markus convinced him to join them in the place called 'Jericho' before humans attacked it. You had apparently been apart of all this, knowing Connor and trying to convince him as well. You were glad everything had worked out, you just wished you could remember it. 

Nobody had told you what had happened to you yet, but you were fairly certian you had pieced it together. You remembered the sound of a gunshot going off before blacking out. You assumed you had been one of the androids that the humans had been able to shoot. Markus had been caring enough to try and help you though. You liked him for that reason. He seemed like he was a true friend. You were glad he hadn't given up on you. 

Connor was neat and suave while also being cute and funny at the same time. You wondered if you had been together before. Everytime he looked at you there was a hint of grief in his eyes. You assumed your shut down had been very hard for him. You assumed Connor had been one of the closest people to you. You liked him a lot already actually. You hoped that you could develop the same relationship with him.

As you walked in, your were greeted by Sumo. You pet the big dog with a laugh. 

"Hey Sumo! Nice to see you again!" You said. Connor noticed the dog's excitement and had come to check it out. He smiled when he spotted you.

"Hello (Y/n)! It's good to see you again!" He said. You noticed the warmth in his eyes. You could feel a type of connection with him, but for some wasn't exactly romantic. You wondered if maybe you just hadn't pieced it all together yet. Clearly Markus had an important role in your life as well, but he always said you were just really good friends. You had a feeling that he wasn't telling the truth, but you didn't really feel like he was anything more than that. It was all rather confusing. 

"Hey Connor! I just came by to visit! Markus needed to rest a bit so I didn't have much to do." You said. He nodded understandingly. You and Connor sat down together on the couch. Hank was apparently at some park. He had asked Connor to stay and watch Sumo. You both talked for a long time. You decided to ask him. "Connor?"


"Were we....really close before?" You asked. He looked a little nervous.

"We were great friends." He said.

"That's what everybody says, Connor. I know you guys are hiding things from me. Please, I want to know." You said. He sighed.

"We were...closer than others. But I'm not the one that was closest to you. That's all I can say." He said. You nodded, accepting the bit of information you had received. 

"Thanks Connor. At least I know a bit more. I'm sorry if my memory loss is hard for you to handle." You said. He gave you a soft smile.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." He said. You saw a flash of guilt in his eyes. You decided not to press him further. 

"So, you're a detective android?" You asked.

"Yes. I have enhanced features built for my investigations." He said.

"Cool! What have you done in the past?" You asked. He chuckled.

"I had a few exciting chases and some interrogations. Mostly I tracked down deviants though. You know about that though." He said. You nodded.

"Yeah! I remember you saying that you were a type of deviant hunter, right?" You asked.

"Yes. I'm different now though. I understand that the deviants were the ones in the right. We're more than machines. I understand that now." He said. You smiled.

"Yep! It's a good thing you do! I wouldn't have been happy if you had shot Markus or myself, heh!" You said with a playful smile. At the mention of a gunshot, you noticed his unease. You realized you had probably brought up a sensitive memory. " if I-"

"No." He replied strongly. "No, don't be. It fault. My mistake. Nevermind that." He said. You nodded. You suddenly thought of something. "I had a few exciting chases..." Suddenly, you saw a vision flash before your eyes.


"Stop!" You turned. Your hood covered your face. "You're coming with me." He said. You knew you only had one option. You bolted and leaped off the roof across the huge gap. "Hey!" You screamed as you fell through the air. You landed hard on the next roof. You groaned. You got onto your hands and knees, panting.

You looked over seeing the android standing at the edge of the roof staring at you. His brown eyes gazed hard at your beaten form below him. He seemed to be debating whether or not to take the risk you had.

The older man appeared beside him, panting. He looked at you. Shock appeared in his expression.

"Holy shit! She jumped that!?" He exclaimed. You got to your feet. You yelped as you felt a sting in your body. You looked at your abdomen wound. It was bleeding worse now.

"Damn it." You huffed.


I can't keep going like this. You realized. The android must've known this too.

"It can't make another jump like that!" He said. He got ready to jump.

"Hey! Are you crazy!? You'll fall Connor! You're heavier than she is!" You didn't care to listen to them. You began to limp away.

"We can't let it get away!" He shouted.

"You will get yourself killed! Don't go after it Connor! That's an order! We'll just get into the building and get it that way." He said. You realized you were still trapped. No! I can't give up yet! You thought. You saw a bus coming on the street below. You had no choice.

"This is crazy!" You hissed to yourself. "Okay...3...2...1!" You jumped.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" The man shouted. You landed on top of the bus. You watched as they both stared after you. Neither of them had gotten a good look at you. You had done it. You'd gotten away from them. You sighed in relief. I'll have to find Jericho on my own. I can't lead them to Rupert. I'm sorry Rupert. I hope I'll meet you there.

*End Flashback*

You yelped, gripping your hair as the memory resurfaced. Connor looked alarmed.

"(Y/n)!?" He asked frantically. You panted, trying to relax your racing mind. C-Connor....chased me!? Why didn't I remember this? You wondered. "(Y/n), are you alright!?" You looked up into his brown eyes.

"Y-yeah...I-I just...remembered something." You said.

"You did? What was it?" He asked.

"You...on a were trying to catch me with Hank...and I had a friend...Rupert... He lived in an old apartment building...with a lot of pigeons. I don't understand. How could I forget that?" You asked yourself aloud. Connor looked shocked, but it turned into a hopeful smile.

"(Y/n), do you understand what this means?" He asked.

"No. What?" You asked.

"If you remembered the can remember other things about us all!" He said. You were stunned, but you smiled. I might be able to remember what happened after all!

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