Chapter 33

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You all gathered together. You stayed near Markus. Josh paced back and forth, clearly frustrated. Simon looked somewhat frightened and uncertain. North just looked disappointed. 

"We're short on blue blood and biocomponents. Our wounded are shutting down and there's nothing we can do!" Josh said.

"President Warren is saying we're a threat to national security and we need to be exterminated." Simon added.

"Humans are conducting raids in all the big cities and they're taking androids to camps to destroy them." North said. 

"It's a disaster. They're slaughtering our people!" Simon said. 

"It's all our fault. None of this would've happened if we had just stayed quiet!" Josh said, somewhat hostilely. You stood up to him.

"Staying quiet we'd have gotten nowhere! At least we're actually doing something! Nothing would've changed if we had just sat here twiddling our thumbs until we were either all dead our found out!" You said. Markus turned around and faced all of you.

"All we did was show them who we really are. I don't want war, but I'd rather die free than live as a slave." Markus said. 

"What's the point of being free in no one is left alive?" Josh asked.

"Humans enslaved us! I'll never regret standing up to that!" Markus said.

"We shouldn't forget who our enemies are. We can't fight amongst ourselves." Simon said.

"He's right." North agreed. "All that matters now is what we do next." 

"Exactly. We can't change the past, but we can shape the future." You said. You all turned to Markus.

"Markus?" North asked. He thought about it.

"Dialogue is the only way. I will go alone, and try to talk to them one last time." Markus said. The 'alone' part is what grabbed your attention.

"Don't do this, Markus. They'll kill you!" North said.

"Maybe...but North, I have to try. If I don't come back, lay low as long as you can." Markus said.

"They need to realize how much they're hurting us. Find the right words and they'll listen." Josh said. Simon nodded in agreement and they both left. That just left you, Markus, and North.

"Is this what we dreamed of?" He asked. 

"They can't stop what we've started. Since you've been here you've given us hope. You've given me hope." North said. "Today, a deviant arrived in Jericho and told me he stole a truck transporting radioactive cobalt. He said that he abandoned the truck somewhere in Detroit and rigged it to explode. I convinced him not to do it, and to give me the detonator." North said.

"A dirty bomb..." Markus said.

"We can't lose this war, Markus. If humans overcome us, our people will disappear forever. This may be our only chance to survive if things go wrong." She said. You wanted to shout at North about her insane idea, but you knew that you couldn't. It was up to Markus and even you had to admit that it was a good last resort for survival, but not for peace. Markus pushed it away.

"We shouldn't become like them, North. We can gain our freedom by other means." Markus told her. She looked disappointed again, but you had honestly gotten used to that with the things she wanted verses the choices you made.

"I hope you're right." She said. She turned to leave. "Just...take care of yourselves. We can't lose you. Either of you." North said and left. Now, it was just you and Markus. You turned to him.

"I hoped you wouldn't agree to that." You said. 

"I don't want to become like them. How much better are we if we fight using their tricks?" Markus said.

"Agreed." You replied. You walked up to him. "Markus..." He came closer to you. "I...I want to go with you." You said.



"No, (Y/n). If I don't make it back, our people will need your guidance more than ever. I trust you to lead." Markus told you. You wrapped your arms around him tightly. He did the same.

"I can't lose you." You told him, your voice wavering slightly. He held you closer.

"And I can't risk your life too." He replied gently. You pulled back to look at him. "I just can't risk that." You took one hand away and reached for his own. The skin went away and he began to close the gap. You leaned in the rest of the way and your lips connected in a soft, loving kiss. After a moment you both broke away and your hands went back to normal. You looked at him sadly, but you forced yourself to move.

"I better go check on things with everyone." You said. "Just...promise me you'll be careful. I don't wanna lose you." You said. He smiled a little.

"I promise." You smiled a little back before heading out. Little did you know...somebody had been listening.

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